Council File: 06-0600-S59Subscribe via emailPrint this recordPublic Comment

Communication from City Administrative Officer 0116-00001-0000, dated October 31, 2006, relative to the 2006-2007 first financial status report.
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
Expiration Date
Initiated by
City Administrative Officer
File Activities
Date Activity  
09/16/2011 File expired per Council policy, Council file No. 05-0553. Click to view online docs
File History
11-2-06 - For ref
11-6-06 - Ref to Budget and Finance Committee
11-6-06 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
11-21-06 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to approve Budget and Finance Committee communication recommendation *AS AMENDED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
APPROVE the recommendations of the City Administrative Officer (CAO) contained in the FY 2006-07 First Financial Status Report, dated October 31, 2006, attached to this report, with the following amendments:
a. Revise CAO recommendation No. 52 as follows: AUTHORIZE the Controller to increase appropriations to the Information Technology Agency Fund No. 100/32, Account 1100, Hiring Hall Salaries, in the amount of $158,000 from MICLA Fund No. 290/70, Account S929, Mobile Data Radio System Upgrade, for the installation of Mobile Digital Computers into Police Department vehicles.
b. TRANSFER $160,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Unappropriated Balance and APPROPRIATE therefrom to the City Administrative Officer Fund No. 100/10, Contractual Services Account No. 3040, to execute the second year of the Barrington-Wellesly Group contract related to updating the Revenue Requirements Study for the Department of Water and Power.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Motion No. 34 A - Zine Mover 2006 / Smith - ADOPTED - MOVE that the Communication from the Chair and Vice Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee relative to the First Financial Status Report for FY 2006-07, Item No 34 on today's Council Agenda (CF 06-0600-S59), be amended to add the following language:
INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), to identify funding to increase sworn overtime for police divisions in areas that have reported increases in gang activities through the end of the calendar year, and to report to the Budget and Finance Committee in one week regarding funding options, LAPD's current plans for sworn overtime use during the holiday season, and an analysis of how additional funding would be utilized.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Motion - Hahn Mover 2006 / LaBonge - ADOPTED - The Banning Museum Refurbishment of Building and Garden Improvements - Phase II project is a Proposition K project in Council District 15. The project is for the installation of a security fence to deter vandalism in the existing Banning Museum facilities. On June 28, 2006, the Department of Recreation and Parks, the Bureau of Engineering, and the Department General Services entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for the project's construction.
The Department of General Services requires an additional $175,852 be appropriated to General Services from the Proposition K funds to continue the construction for the Banning Museum Refurbishment of Building and Garden Improvements - Phase II.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to approval of the Mayor:
1. Authorize the Controller to transfer $175,852 from the Proposition K Fund No. 43K from Account Y363, Banning Museum Phase II, to the General Services Department, Account A140 and appropriate to the following accounts in General Services Fund No. 1 00/40:
Account Account Name Amount
1101 Hiring Hall Construction $85,426
1121 Hiring Hall Fringe Benefits $16,485
3180 Construction Materials & Supplies $73,941
Total $175,852
2. Request that the Department of General Services submit expenditure reports to the Bureau of Engineering and the City Administrative Officer on a monthly basis.
3. Authorize the Board of Public Works to transfer funds not to exceed $175,852 on
an as-needed basis subject to approval of the expenditure reports.
4. Authorize the City Administrative Officer to make technical corrections as necessary to implement the Mayor and Council intentions.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Motion - Parks Mover 2006 / Garcetti - ADOPTED - MOVE that the Communication from thc Chair and Vice Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee relative to the First Financial Status Report for FY 2006-07, Item No. 34 on today's Council Agenda (06-0600-S59), be amended to add the following language:
I. Instruct City General Managers to:
* Limit the filling of vacancies to only critical and essential public service positions to address legal or public health and safety emergencies and to include a brief statement with their monthly Employment Level Reports that identifies the positions filled during the previous month and the reasons why;
* Defer any new initiatives that require additional General Fund support until they have been evaluated and approved for 2007-08;
* Reduce expenditures to generate internal savings to cover any anticipated deficits for the remainder of the fiscal year and to ensure that no new General Fund appropriations will be needed;
* Ensure that all revenue targets will be met or exceeded;
* Ensure that Reserve Fund loans are paid back on a timely basis;
* Continue efforts to attain full cost-recovery of special services by adjusting fees and
including annual inflationary increases; and
* Conduct a thorough review of all prior-year encumbrances and identify those that can
be reverted to the Reserve Fund.
2. Instruct the CAO to:
* Review with departments all unspent, prior-year MICLA monies that are over three
years old and provide recommendations on sweeping those unspent, prior-year
monies to Budget and Finance Committee; and,
* Include in its Mid-Year Financial Status Report recommendations for budget
adjustments and other fiscal actions that will increase the City's Reserve Fund.
3. Instruct LAPD to examine and report back on the possibility of having more than 13 classes of 50 police recruits this fiscal year.
4. Instruct thc CAO, with the assistance of LAPD, to report back on Police sworn overtime usage by obligatory and discretionary categories. Discretionary spending is to be defined as overtime being used to augment the everyday (straight-time) workforce as opposed to employees that are obligated to work overtime (e.g. attend court on their day-off, tactical alert, etc.).
5. Instruct the CAO to report to the Budget and Finance Committee regarding the supplemental questions relative to LAPD sworn overtime provided by the Chair of Budget and Finance Committee on November 13, 2006 to the CAO.
6. That the Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor:
* Authorize the Controller to transfer $127,800 from the Unappropriated Balance,
Fund No. 100, Department 58, Account No. 0197, City Attorney Outside Counsel to
Fund No. 100, Department No. 12, Account No. 9301, City Attorney Outside
Counsel, for the law firm of Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw LLP to assist with the
Donnerv. City of Los Angeles, BS 104862 and Bl93531 (Donner) and the Pasley v.
Marinez, BS 104788 and B193565 (Pasley) cases;
* Authorize the City Attorney, or designee, to amend the contract with Mayer Brown
Rowe & Maw LLP to include the defense for the Pasley case;
* Request the City Attorney to provide the Budget and Finance Committee an
expenditure plan for outside counsel expenses for the balance of the 2006-07 fiscal
year; and,
7. Authorize the City Administrative Officer, to prepare Controller instructions for any
necessary technical adjustments to the above, and instruct the Controller to implement the instructions.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Motion - Parks Mover 2006 / Hahn - ADOPTED - The Loren Miller Recreation Center - Childcare project is a Proposition K specified project located in Council District NO.8 at 2717 Halldale Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018. Tire project scope includes an approximate 1800 square foot addition to the existing childcare facility that will include a new classroom, restrooms, storage area, staff office and outdoor play area.
In the Year - End Adjustment to the 2004-05 Adopted Budget, General Services has received $850,000 of the total $964,500 in Proposition K funds as indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding dated June 29, 2004 between the Department of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Engineering, and General Services - Construction Forces.
General Service now requires that the remaining $114,500 be appropriated to their project account to provide for salaries and acquire needed construction materials to continue the construction for the Loren Miller Recreation Center - Child care Center project.
1. Authorize the Controller to transfer $114,500 within Proposition K Fund No. 43K/10 from Account W459 to General Services A140 and appropriate there from to the following accounts in General Services Fund No. 100/40 for the Loren Miller Recreation Center - Childcare Center project as follows:
Account Account Name Amount
1014 Construction Salaries $34,500
3180 Construction Materials & Supplies $80,000
2. Instruct the Department of General Services to submit expenditure reports to the Bureau of Engineering, the Department of Recreation and Parks and the City Administrative Officer on a monthly basis.
3. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer to make technical corrections as necessary to implement the Mayor and Council intentions.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Verbal Motion - Parks Mover 2006 / Smith - ADOPTED - HEREBY MOVE that Council AMEND the Communication from Chair and Vice Chair, Budget and Finance Committee (Item No. 34, CF 06-0600-S59) relative to the First Financial Status Report for Fiscal Year 2006-06, to INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to audit Police Overtime; and further, INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Police Department to cooperate with the CAO in the performance of the audit.
11-21-06 - Council Action - Verbal Motion - Perry Mover 2006 / Parks - ADOPTED - HEREBY MOVE that Council AMEND the Communication from Chair and Vice Chair, Budget and Finance Committee (Item No. 34, CF 06-0600-S59) relative to the First Financial Status Report for Fiscal Year 2006-06, as follows:
TRANSFER $76,135 from Sites and Facilities, Fund 209/88 from Account 209, Ross Snyder Recreation Center to Account A140.
11-27-06 - File to Mayor
12-1-06 - Mayor's message concurred in Council action of November 21, 2006
12-1-06 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk
12-11-06 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
12-18-06 - File in files
3-5-07 - For ref - Communication from the Board of Police Commissioners BPC #07-0084, dated February 28, 2007, relative to the feasibility of additional Police Academy classes and the Los Angeles Police Department-wide sworn overtime results.
3-6-07 - Ref to Public Safety and Budget and Finance Committees
3-6-07 - File to Public Safety Committee Clerk
3-19-07 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
Council Action 09/16/2011

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  Council Vote Information  

Meeting Date: 11/21/2006
Meeting Type: Regular
Vote Action: to Adopt as Amended
Vote Given: (11 - 0 - 4)
Member Name CD Vote