Date |
Activity |
03/14/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee continued item to/for a date to be determined.
03/10/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on March 14, 2025.
03/03/2025 |
Council action final.
02/26/2025 |
Information Technology Agency document(s) referred to Personnel and Hiring Committee.
02/25/2025 |
Document(s) submitted by Information Technology Agency, as follows:
Information Technology Agency report, dated February 25, 2025, relative to the Los Angeles Fire Department payroll issues resulting from Network Staffing System integration with Workday.
02/21/2025 |
City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is March 3, 2025.
02/21/2025 |
Council adopted item as amended by Motion 8A (McOsker - Park), forthwith.
02/14/2025 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on February 21, 2025.
02/12/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee approved as amended .
02/11/2025 |
City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Personnel and Hiring Committee.
02/10/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on February 12, 2025.
02/10/2025 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows:
City Administrative Officer report, dated February 10, 2025, relative to the resources needed to address Fire Department payroll concerns.
02/05/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on February 12, 2025.
01/31/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee continued item to/for a date to be determined.
01/28/2025 |
Personnel and Hiring Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on January 31, 2025.
01/24/2025 |
Motion referred to Personnel and Hiring Committee.