Council File: 99-1778Subscribe via emailPrint this recordPublic Comment

BZA Case No. 5734 / ZA Case No. 98-0928-CUB-CUZ-ZV - Req Ccl consider appeal regarding property located at 1750 North Argyle Avenue: Protestants, Shari Mehr, et al. TIME LIMIT 12-9-99
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
Council District
Initiated by
Department of City Planning
File History
9-17-99 - For ref
9-20-99 - Ref to P&LUM Comt
9-21-99 - File to Bernson, Chrprsn
9-24-99 - File to P&LUM Comt Clk
10-5-99 - Set for P&LUM Comt on 11-2-99 & in Ccl 11-10-99
11-2-99 - P&LUM Comt Disposition - Deny appeal; Approve BZA determination, subject to modified condition
11-10-99 - Cont to 11-17-99
1. FIND that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to the City's Environmental Guidelines and in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970; that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment of the lead agency City of Los Angeles; that the documents constituting the record of proceedings in this matter are located in CF 99-1778 in the custody of the City Clerk and in the files of the Department of City Planning in the custody of the Environmental Review Section; and ADOPT the Mitigated Negative Declaration [MND No. 98-0411-CUB(ZV) (CCR)].
2. ADOPT FINDINGS of the Board of Zoning Appeals as the Findings of Council.
3. RESOLVE TO DENY APPEAL filed by Shari Mehr, et al, protestants, from the entire determination of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and to THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the Zoning Administrator to grant the conditional use for the conversion of an existing church building into a theater/performance venue and banquet/meeting facility and the construction of a new 175-seat restaurant with a 25-seat bar area, on the vacant westerly portion fronting along Argyle Avenue serving a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption; and a variance to provide no additional on-site parking spaces other than the four existing on-site parking spaces to permit assembly use; and to permit crossing from a less restrictive to a more restrictive zone for the proposed project located at 1750 North Argyle Avenue, subject to Conditions of Approval, as modified. Applicant: Susan Fine Moore/Mollywood Properties, LLC BZA 5734 & ZA 98-0928-CUB-CUZ-ZV - Mit Neg Dec ADOPTED
11-17-99 - Verbal Mo - Wachs Mover 1999 / Miscikowski - ADOPTED - I HEREBY MOVE that Council AMEND the Conditions of Approval (as modified) with respect to Planning and Land Use Management Committee report on today's Council agenda (Item No. 24, CF 99-1778) relative to Conditional Use appeal of the conversion of an existing church building into a theater/performance venue and banquet/meeting facility, and the construction of a new 175-seat restaurant with a 25-seat bar area for property located at 1750 North Argyle Avenue, to include the following additional conditions:
1. Ingress and egress (vehicular and pedestrian) shall be limited to Argyle Avenue and prohibited on Carlos Avenue.
2. Alcohol sales shall be prohibited in the existing church building (theater/performance venue and banquet/meeting facility). In the event of a banquet proposing alcohol sales served in conjunction with meals, the applicant shall secure a one-day permit from the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
12-6-99 - File to Mayor
12-8-99 - Mayor's message concurred in action of 11-17-99
12-17-99 - File to P&LUM Comt Clk OK
12-20-99 - File in files

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