Transmittal from City Attorney R00-0560 relative to authority to retain attorney Patricia L. Glaser and her law firm, Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP, to assist the office in matters related to the recently approved consent decree involving the United States Department of Justice.
File History
11-9-00 - For ref
1-13-00 - Ref to Budget and Finance Committee
11-13-00 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
11-22-00 - Verbal Motion - Miscikowski Mover 2000 / Galanter - ADOPTED - HEREBY MOVE that Council ADOPT the recommendation of the City Attorney on today's Council agenda (Item No. 28; CF 00-0211-S18) relative to retaining outside counsel to assist the City Attorney's Office in implementing the recent Consent Decree with the United States Department of Justice, subject to the approval of the Mayor:
1. AUTHORIZE the City Attorney to enter into a legal services contract with Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP to assist the City Attorney's office in this matter.
2. TRANSFER $150,000 from the Unappropriated Balance to the General Fund and TRANSFER the same amount to the City Attorney, Fund 100, Department 12, Account 3040, Contractual Services
11-22-00 - File to Mayor FORTHWITH
11-28-00 - Acting Mayor's message concurred in action of November 22, 2000
12-4-00 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
12-6-00 - File in files
1-24-02 - For ref - Transmittal from City Attorney R02-0027 relative to additional funding of the legal services contract with outside counsel concerning the Federal Consent Decree on Police Officer conduct and management.
1-25-02 - Ref to Budget and Finance Committee
1-28-02 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
4-11-02 - File to Pacheco for signature per Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
4-17-02 - Budget and Finance Committee report ADOPTED, subject to the approval of the Mayor to:
1. UNENCUMBER $87,351.06 in the following amounts in Department 12, Fund No. 100, Account Nos. 3040 and 4200 and REVERT to the Reserve Fund:
Year Amount
Fiscal Year 1998 $21,843.71
Fiscal Year 1999 66.77
Fiscal Year 2000 65,440.58
2. TRANSFER $87,351.06 from the Reserve Fund to the Unappropriated Balance and REAPPROPRIATE to Department 12, Fund No. 100, Account No. 3040.
3. APPROPRIATE $62,648.94 from the Unappropriated Balance line item entitled Outside Counsel to the Office of the City Attorney, Department 12, Fund No. 100, Account No. 3040.
4. AUTHORIZE the Office of the City Attorney to amend Contract No. 101447A with the law firm of Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP to increase the contract amount by $150,000 to assist in matters related to the Federal Consent Decree on Police Officer Conduct and Management.
4-19-02 - File to Mayor
4-26-02 - Mayor's message concurred in action of April 17, 2002
4-26-02 - File to Calendar Clerk
5-2-02 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
5-9-02 - File in files