Transmittal from City Attorney relative to discussion in closed session whether to amend Contract No. 95507 with the law firm of Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil & Shapiro, LLP to provide for the firm's representation of member of the City Council and the Board of Police Commissioners in various lawsuits.
SEE ALSO 97-0693
File History
1-10-01 - For ref
1-11-01 - Ref to Budget and Finance Committee
1-11-01 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
1-17-01 - MEMORANDUM TO FILE - The City Council scheduled a Closed Session on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 pursuant to authority provided in California Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its legal counsel relative to contract amendment and appropriation for attorney contracting for the following cases: Robert Cunningham, et al. v. Gates, et al., United States District Court Cases Nos. CV96-02666, CV98-55208, CV98-56077; Grover Smith v. Gates, et al., United States District Court Cases Nos. CV97-01286, CV98-56081,CV99-55136; and W. Figueroa, C. Gonzalez, et al. v. Gates, United States District Court Case No. CV00-041158.
The purpose of this memorandum is to note for the record that the City Attorney requested this matter be withdrawn from the agenda and referred to the City Attorney.
2-1-01 - File to City Attorney
10-10-01 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
10-11-01 - MEMO TO FILE - Pursuant to the letter attached to Council File from Cecil Marr, Assistant City Attorney, no additional Council action is necessary on this request from the City Attorney's Office.
10-23-01 - File in files