Motion - The Office of 15th District Councilwoman Janice Hahn, with the support of local non-profit organizations, will host a community clean-up effort on March 2, 2002.
It is requested that the City deem this project a Special Event, waiving all City fees and requirements, except insurance. Approval of this request will mean an estimated $680 in fees will be absorbed by the City.
THEREFORE MOVE that the San Pedro Clean up, sponsored by 15th District Councilwoman Janice Hahn, be declared a Special Event; and, the involved City departments be requested to waive all fees, costs, and requirements, except insurance.
FURTHER MOVE that pursuant to Ordinance No. 150567 relating to temporary street closures, that Palos Verdes Street, from Sepulveda Street to O'Farrell Street, be closed Saturday, March 2, 2002 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, subject to the supervision of the director of the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that Bureau of Street Services be directed to furnish the necessary traffic control devices. Traffic control devices will be provided with the understanding that the sponsoring organization will pick up and return them to the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Transportation be directed to post "Temporary No Parking" signs on the affected street and provide traffic control personnel, as required.
FURTHER MOVE that should unforeseen circumstances change the actual date of the Special Event, the aforementioned departmental instructions continue to apply.
File History
2-19-02 - This days Council session
2-19-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
2-26-02 - Motion ADOPTED
3-1-02 - File in files
6-28-02 - This days Council session - Motion - Greuel for Hahn Mover 2002 / Holden - The Office of 15th District Councilmember Janice Hahn and the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council, with the support of local non-profit organizations, will host a community clean-up effort on July 20, 2002.
It is requested that the City deem this project a Special Event, waiving all City fees and requirements, except insurance. Approval of this request will mean an estimated $680 in fees will be absorbed by the City.
THEREFORE MOVE that the San Pedro Clean up, sponsored by 15th District Councilmember Janice Hahn, be declared a Special Event; and the involved City departments be requested to waive all fees, costs,and requirements, except insurance.
FURTHER MOVE that pursuant to Ordinance No. 150567 relating to temporary street closures, that Mesa Street, from 18th Street to 19th Street, be closed on July 20, 2002 from 6:00 am to 1:00 pm, subject to the supervision of the Director of the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Street Services be directed to furnish the necessary traffic control devices. Traffic control devices will be provided with the understanding that the sponsoring organization will pick up and return them to the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Transportation be directed to post "Temporary No Parking" signs on the affected street and provide traffic control personnel, as required.
FURTHER MOVE that should unforeseen circumstances change the actual date of the Special Event, the aforementioned departmental instructions continue to apply.
6-28-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
7-2-02 - Motion ADOPTED
7-11-02 - File in files
10-18-02 - This days Council session - Motion - Hahn Mover 2002 / LaBonge - The Office of the 15th District and the Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council, with the support of local non-profit organizations, will host a community clean-up effort on November 2, 2002.
It is requested that the City deem this project a special event, waiving all City fees and requirements, except insurance. Approval of this request will mean an estimated $680 in fees will be absorbed by the City.
THEREFORE MOVE that the San Pedro Clean up, sponsored by the 15th Council District, be declared a Special Event, and, the involved City departments be requested to waive all fees, costs, and requirements, except insurance.
FURTHER MOVE that pursuant to Ordinance No. 150567 relating to temporary street closures, that the right lane of North Gaffey Street (southbound from 2215-2981) be closed November 2, 2002 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, subject to the supervision of the Director of the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Street Services be directed to furnish the necessary traffic control devices. These devices will be provided with the understanding that the sponsoring organization will pick up and return them to the Bureau of Street Services.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Transportation be directed to post "Temporary No Stopping" signs and provide traffic control personnel, as required.
FURTHER MOVE that should unforeseen circumstances change the actual date of the Special Event, the aforementioned departmental instructions continue to apply.
10-18-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
10-25-02 - Motion ADOPTED
11-6-02 - File in files