Special 2 Motion - Disturbing reports have surfaced that low-level radioactive waste might have been dumped at the Bradley Landfill in Sun Valley for much of the past decade without the knowledge of state waste regulators or local officials.
A state Senate inquiry into the change of state regulations governing cleanup of sites that use radioactive material, which range from cancer clinics to top-secret defense contractors, has indicated that the state Department of Health Services created a loophole that allowed the practice in order to bring state rules in line with federal Department of Energy standards.
The inquiry also revealed, disturbingly, that these radioactive materials were being dumped without the knowledge of the local jurisdiction, and without the knowledge of the local operator.
The City needs an immediate assessment of the extent of this practice on the landfills located in the City, and an independent assessment of the dangers which this may pose to our residents.
THEREFORE MOVE that the Council determine, as provided in Section 54954.2(b)(2) of the Government Code, and pursuant to Rule 23 of the Rules of the City Council, that there is a need to take immediate action on this matter AND that the need for action came to the attention of the City Council subsequent to the posting of the agenda for today's Council meeting.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Environmental Affairs be directed to immediately review the status of reported radioactive waste dumped in the City's landfills and to report back at the Council's next meeting with a comprehensive report including the extent of this practice and the hazards, if any, which this poses to our residents.
File History
4-5-02 - This days Council session
4-5-02 - File to Calendar Clerk
4-5-02 - Findings ADOPTED - Motion ADOPTED
4-9-02 - Verbal Motion - Padilla Mover 2002 / Holden - ADOPTED *AS AMENDED (see attached resolution) - HEREBY MOVE that Council CLOSE today's Public Hearing regarding Item No. 37 (CF 02-0657) on today's Council agenda relative to the status of reported radioactive waste dumped in the City's landfills, in the anticipation of a comprehensive report to be prepared and presented by
the Department of Environmental Affairs.
4-9-02 - *Amending Resolution - Holden Mover 2002 / LaBonge - ADOPTED - WHEREAS, any official position of the City of Los Angeles with respect to legislation, rules, regulations or policies proposed to or pending before a local, state or federal government body or agency must have first been adopted in the form of a Resolution by the City Council with the concurrence of the Mayor; and
WHEREAS, recent reports stress that Rocketdyne's Santa Susana Field Laboratory dumped low-level radioactive waste at the Bradley Landfill in Sun Valley for the majority of the past decade without the knowledge of State waste regulators of local officials; and
WHEREAS, reports further indicate that the amount of low-level radioactive waste dumped at this landfill is unknown as is the potential impact to the public health of the region; and
WHEREAS, reports also represent that the State's Department of Health Services currently uphold policies which permit this type of disposal of radioactive waste; and
WHEREAS, the State Senate introduced SB 1623 (Romero) on February 21, 2002 in order protect the public from disposal of potentially harmful radioactive waste; and
WHEREAS, SB 1623 (Romero) would prohibit the disposal of radioactive waste at a hazardous waste disposal facility, but would allow the disposal of naturally occurring radioactive materials at specified facilities if these facilities are expressly authorized for such disposal and they comply with various restrictions; and
WHEREAS, SB 1623 (Romero) would also prohibit any person from burying, throwing away, or disposing of radioactive waste within the State except at a disposal facility specifically licensed for that kind of radioactive waste; and
WHEREAS, SB 1623 (Romero) would in addition prohibit the disposal of radioactive waste at a solid waste facility as specified; and would require the State's Integrated Waste Management Board to adopt regulations requiring testing and screening criteria relative to the radioactivity of submitted solid waste material; and
WHEREAS, the City should support SB 1623 (Romero) since it is committed to ensuring the public health of the region;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, with the concurrence of the Mayor, that by the adoption of this Resolution, the City of Los Angeles hereby includes in its 2001-2002 Legislative Program SUPPORT of SB 1623 (Romero) which would establish various restrictions on the disposal of radioactive waste thereby protecting the public from potentially harmful effects.
4-10-02 - File to Mayor FORTHWITH
4-19-02 - Mayor's message concurred in action of April 9, 2002
4-19-02 - File to Calendar Clerk
4-26-02 - File in files