Resolution - In 1992 Fox Studios agreed to pay $500,000 to fund traffic mitigation improvements as a part of the Fox Studios Lot Development project. Fox Studios deposited the $500,000 into a special account under the control of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to implement the traffic mitigation improvements.
In 1998, developers for the Constellation Place development, JMB Realty Corporation / A.P. Properties, agreed to pay $1,000,000 to fund the study, development and implementation of a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) to address existing traffic concerns in the Cheviot Hills area. These funds were deposited into the West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Specific Plan Fund (No. 681) under the control of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to implement the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan.
Los Angeles Department of Transportation has prepared a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, in consultation with Council District Five and various community and homeowner associations.
The Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan has been subsequently revised, as a policy matter, in further consultation with various community and homeowner groups.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the revised Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan for the Century City area of West Los Angeles attached hereto as the "Approved NTMP." The Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan prioritizes the order for implementation of improvements. The Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan may also be revised by providing substitute or additional improvements to the list after the City Council, in consultation with the appropriate Council Office and Los Angeles Department of Transportation, has determined that the improvements are consistent with the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and that a substitute improvement fulfills the transportation objectives of the improvement which it is to replace; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to any substitution the affected community organizations will have a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on such measures; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council directs Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Works and the applicant under, pursuant to 2002-4621-CU-SPP-DD Condition A.B.C. and D of the Approval thereof, to take all appropriate actions to implement the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the order and timing of implementation of the improvements in the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan shall be designated by the City Council in consultation with the Council Office representing the Century City area, Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the City Administrative Officer, and the Chief Legislative Analyst; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that funding for the implementation of the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan be provided by the newly created Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon transfer of the Constellation Place funds and the Fox Studios funds into the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, the City shall use its reasonable efforts to implement Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan improvements within six months to the extent there are funds available in the Century City Traffic Protection Trust Fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in connection with the landscaped improvements in the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan the City of Los Angeles shall provide funding for landscape maintenance for one year following implementation of the improvements. If sufficient funds are located in the future, the City may provide funding for landscape maintenance beyond one year.
File History
6-27-03 - This day's Council session
6-27-03 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
7-8-03 - Council Action - Resolution ADOPTED
7-16-03 - File in files
12-16-03 - For ref - Transmittal from City Attorney R03-0584 relative to an ordinance amending Los Angeles Administrative Code to establish the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund.
12-17-03 - Ref to Public Works and Transportation Committees
12-17-03 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
1-26-04 - For ref - Communication from Department of Transportation relative to Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund.
1-27-04 - Ref to Public Works and Transportation Committees - to Public Works Committee Clerk
2-3-04 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED, subject to the approval of the Mayor to:
1. FIND that this action is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act guidelines under Section 15061 (b)(3) and will not have an impact on the environment.
2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE adding Article 13.8 to Chapter 5 of Division 5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code to provide for a Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund - Ordinance ADOPTED - Categorical Exemption APPROVED - (Public Works Committee waived consideration of the above matter).
2-4-04 - File to Mayor for signature FORTHWITH
2-19-04 - File to Calendar Clerk
2-25-04 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
2-27-04 - File in files
5-19-04 - This day's Council session - Motion - Weiss Mover 2004 / Villaraigosa - On July 8, 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the revised Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan for the Century City area of West Los Angeles, referred hereafter as the "Century City NTMP." The resolution also provided that the implementation of the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (Phase I) shall be funded through the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund (CCNTPTF) administered by the Director of the Public Works Bureau of Financial Management and Personnel Services (Director). Further, the resolution directed the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Public Works (DPW) to take all appropriate actions to implement the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (Phase I) within six months after the transfer of funds into the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund.
The implementation of the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan will require Department of Transportation to implement traffic signal timing strategies and install/construct various improvements, including but not limited to: traffic signal equipment, striping, signs, pavement markings, curb zones, and speed humps. In the effort to meet the time constraints, Department of Transportation will accomplish final design, construction management, and construction utilizing staff on overtime and regular time basis as well as contractual services.
The Bureau of Street Services has begun the work of the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan with approximately 11,850 square feet of decorative, cross-walk paving consisting of stamped, colored asphalt, and will construct new street improvements, including fifteen curb extensions or "bumpouts" with decorative river-run cobblestone paving, installation of new median islands with landscaping, enhanced paving, and automated irrigation, beautification and enhancement of an existing median island with river rock and landscaping, installation of more than thirty disabled access ramps, and engineering design and construction management services.
The Bureau of Street Lighting will prepare street lighting design services and perform street lighting modifications in conjunction with Department of Transportation's traffic signal modification work.
The Bureau of Engineering will provide survey services for the Bureau of Street Services.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, (1) appropriate $732,854.32 to a new account titled, "Constellation Place Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan," in the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, Fund 47M, Dept 50; and (2) direct the Controller to transfer as needed, $251,200 from the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, Fund 47M, Dept 50, Account No. to be established, "Constellation Place Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan," to the following funds and accounts, in the amounts indicated:
Department of Transportation, Fund No. 100/94
Account No. Account Name Amount
1010 Salaries $11,000
1090 Overtime $22,812
3350 Sign & Paint Material $14,256
3360 Signal Supplies $14,502
3090 Field Equipment $10,295
3030 Construction Materials $ 1,977
3040 Contractual Services $50,067
TOTAL $124,909
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services, Fund No. 100/86
Account No. Account Name Amount
1090 Overtime $56,823
3030 Construction Materials $16,278
3040 Contractual Services $16,995
6020 Operating Supplies $16,995
TOTAL $107,091
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, Fund No. 100/78
Account No. Account Name Amount
1010 Salaries $16,200
TOTAL $16,200
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Lighting, Fund No. 100/84
Account No. Account Name Amount
1090 Overtime $3,000
TOTAL $3,000
TOTAL $251,200
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council direct each affected Department to submit on a quarterly basis, effective July 1, 2004, to the affected Council office(s) for approval, the Department's request for fund transfers and justification for work to be done for the upcoming period.
5-19-04 - Ref to Transportation Committee
5-19-04 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
6-2-04 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED *AS AMENDED - (Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter).
6-2-04 - Council Action - *Verbal Amending Motion - Weiss Mover 2004 / Villaraigosa - ADOPTED - HEREBY MOVE that Council AMEND the Motion (Weiss - Villaraigosa) on today's agenda, waived by the Transportation Committee (Item No. 25, CF 03-0591-S1) relative to the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, as follows:
1. APPROPRIATE $732,854.32 *from the West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Fund to a new account titled, "Constellation Place Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan," in the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, Fund 47M, Department 50.
6-4-04 - File to Mayor
6-14-04 - Mayor's message concurred in action of June 2, 2004
6-14-04 - File to Calendar Clerk
6-22-04 - File in files
12-8-04 - This day's Council session - Motion - Weiss Mover 2004 / Villaraigosa - Traffic is the top quality of life concern in the West Los Angeles area of Council District 5. Motorists, pedestrians, residents, and local businesses are frustrated by unsafe driving, cut through routes in residential neighborhoods, gridlock, and delays.
The Century City Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) was designed to improve traffic flow on main arteries and discourage use of smaller residential streets. Improvements and mitigations in the plan are funded by revenues from development projects in the area, and some additional mitigation funds will be available for future traffic projects.
Traffic planning must be addressed regionally to ensure a coordinated and effective strategy for safety and smooth flow. Mitigations must balance drivers' needs with the reasonable requests of residents.
THEREFORE MOVE that a new Council District 5 Regional Traffic Task Force be
established to include representatives of neighborhood organizations in the West Los Angeles area of Council District 5. The Task Force will coordinate with the existing and planned traffic studies of other organizations within the area to evaluate plans, and develop recommendations for improving traffic conditions in the area. The Task Force will be responsible to advise the City Council of the best possible use of available funds for improvements and mitigation. The Task Force will provide regular updates and recommendations directly to the City Council's Transportation Committee.
12-8-04 - Ref to Transportation Committee
12-8-04 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
2-17-05 - For ref - Communication from the Department of Transportation, dated February 15, 2005, relative to Council District Five Regional Traffic Task Force recommendations and updates for improving traffic conditions in the area.
2-18-05 - Ref to Transportation Committee - to Committee Clerk
3-4-05 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED to AUTHORIZE Council District Five to establish a new CD 5 Regional Traffic Task Force, responsible for advising Council on the best possible use of available funds for improvements and mitigation, to include representatives of neighborhood organizations in the West Los Angeles Area of Council District Five and said Task Force to coordinate with the existing and planned traffic studies of other organizations within the area to evaluate plans and develop recommendations for improving traffic conditions in the area.
3-10-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
3-10-05 - File in files
5-13-05 - This day's Council session - Motion - Weiss Mover 2005 / Smith - On July 8, 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the revised Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan for the Century City area of West Los Angeles, referred hereafter as the "Century City NTMP." The resolution also provided that the implementation of the Century City NTMP (Phase I) shall be funded through the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund (CCNTPTF), Fund No. 47M, Dept. 50. Further, the resolution directed the. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Public Works (DPW) to take all appropriate actions to implement the Century City NTMP (Phase I) within six months after the transfer of funds into the CCNTPTF, which was done in June, 2004.
The implementation of the Century City NTMP requires DOT to implement traffic signal timing strategies and install/construct various improvements, including but not limited to: traffic signal equipment, striping, signs, pavement markings, curb zones, speed humps, enhanced crosswalk pavement, landscaped median islands, and curb extensions. In the effort to meet the time constraints, DOT will accomplish most final design, construction management, and construction work on an overtime basis, with the exception of the construction of speed humps, which will be constructed by DOT's speed hump contractor.
The Bureau of Street Services has begun and will continue to construct special pavement at crosswalks and landscaped curb extensions.
The Bureau of Street Lighting will prepare street lighting design services and perform street lighting modifications and improvements, while the Bureau of Engineering provides survey services.
Appropriations in the amount of $174,021 have been provided for this work for the first quarter of this fiscal year.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, direct the Controller to transfer $267,009 from the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, Fund 47M, Dept 50, Account No. V201, Constellation Place Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Plan, to the appropriation accounts shown herein for the cost of the work performed during the last three quarters of the 2004-2005 fiscal year.
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, Fund No. 100/78
Account No. Account Name Amount
1010 Salaries $ 15,375
TOTAL $ 15,375
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Lighting, Fund No. 100/84
Account No. Account Name Amount
1010 Salaries $ 846
8780 Street Lighting Improvement & Supplies $1,350
TOTAL $ 2,196
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services, Fund No. 100/86
Account No. Account Name Amount
1090 Overtime $100,000
6020 Operating Supplies and Expense $ 40,000
TOTAL $140,000
Department of Transportation, Fund No. 100/94
Account No. Account Name Amount
1010 Salaries $ 7,558
1090 Overtime $ 57,636
3030 Construction Services (Materials) $ 793
3040 Contractual Services $ 4,567
3090 Field Equipment $ 13,415
3350 Sign and Paint Material $ 5,953
3360 Signal Supplies $ 19,515
TOTAL $109,437
TOTAL $267,009
5-13-05 - Ref to Transportation Committee
5-13-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
5-25-05 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED - (Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
5-27-05 - File to Mayor
6-1-05 - Mayor's message concurred in action of May 25, 2005
6-3-05 - File to Calendar Clerk
6-15-05 - File in files
11-22-05 - This day's Council session - Motion - Weiss Mover 2005 / Rosendahl - In 1992 Fox Studios agreed to pay $500,000 to fund traffic mitigation improvements as a part of the Fox Studios Lot Development project. Fox Studios deposited the $500,000 into a special account under the control of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to implement the traffic mitigation improvements. The remaining fund balance was subsequently transferred to the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, administered by the Department of Public Works.
In 1998, developers for the Constellation Place development, JMB Realty Corporation / A.P. Properties, agreed to pay $1,000,000 to fund the study, development and implementation of a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) to address existing traffic concerns in the Cheviot Hills area. These funds were deposited into the West Los Angeles Transportation Improvement and Mitigation Specific Plan Fund (No. 681) under the control of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to implement the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan. The fund balance was subsequently transferred to the Century City Neighborhood Traffic Protection Trust Fund, administered by the Department of Public Works. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation prepared a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, in consultation with Council District Five and various community and homeowner associations.
The Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan was subsequently revised, as a policy matter, in further consultation with various community and homeowner groups. Thus, on July 8, 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the revised Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan for the Century City area of West Los Angeles, referred to as the "Century City NTMP." The resolution stated that the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan may also be revised by providing substitute or additional improvements to the list after the City Council, in consultation with the appropriate Council Office and Los Angeles Department of Transportation, has determined that the improvements are consistent with the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and that a substitute improvement fulfills the transportation objectives of the improvement which it is to replace.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council approve the attached substitutions or additional improvements to the Approved Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan. These substitutions or additional improvements have been made in consultation with the appropriate Council Office and the affected communities. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has determined that the improvements are consistent with the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and that the attached substitute improvements fulfill the transportation objectives of the improvement which it is to replace while retaining the integrity of the NTMP.
11-22-05 - Ref to Transportation Committee
11-22-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
12-14-05 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED to:
1. APPROVE the following changes to the CCNTMP for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Measures and Arterial Flow Enhancements Phase I:
a. Item No. 20 - modify to read, "Reduce northbound green time during AM peak period to meter northbound flow on Motor Avenue at National Boulevard to approximately 600 vehicles per hour. Eliminate one of the two through lanes. Increase northbound left turn green time."
b. Remove Item No. 35, "Install All-way stop at Earlmar Drive and Patricia Avenue."
c. Item No. 43 - modify the first sentence to read: "Install landscaped median island on Bagley Avenue south of Kincardine Avenue along with a two-way left turn lane extending 500 feet south of Kincardine Avenue."
d. Item No. 47 - modify the first sentence to read: "Install landscaped median island on Castle Heights Avenue south of Burgen Avenue."
e. Add Item No. 71 - "Remove the Pico Boulevard westbound right turn only lane at Avenue of the Stars."
f. Add Item No. 72 - "Convert the Motor Avenue northbound double left turn lanes and single right turn lane at Pico Boulevard to a northbound single left turn lane and double right turn lanes."
2. APPROVE the following changes to the CCNTMP for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Measures and Arterial Flow Enhancements Phase II:
a. Item No. 1 - modify to read: "Install landscaped median island on Beverwil Drive between Beverlywood Street and Cattaraugus Avenue. Modify striping and signage as needed."
b. Item No. 4 - modify to read: "Install landscaped median on Motor Avenue south of Pico Boulevard. Modify striping and signage as needed."
c. Item No. 15 - modify the first sentence to read: "Construct landscaped gateway median island on Manning Avenue north of Ayres Avenue."
d. Item No. 19 - modify the first sentence to read: "Construct landscaped gateway island on Prosser Avenue north of Ayres Avenue."
3. APPROVE the following changes to the Council District 5 (CD 5) Recommendations for the CCNTMP:
a. Remove Item No. 2 - "Install All-way stop at Earlmar Drive and Patricia Avenue."
4. RESOLVE that the substitutions or additional improvements as described above in Recommendation Nos. 1, 2 and 3 have been made in consultation with the appropriate Council Office and the affected communities and that the DOT has determined that the said substitutions or additional improvements are consistent with the CCNTMP and fulfill the transportation objectives of the improvement which it is to replace while retaining the integrity of the CCNTMP.
1-5-06 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
1-6-06 - File in files