Motion - On March 5, 2002, the City Council adopted new procedures for processing street vacations, which require the adoption of a Rule 16 Motion to initiate street vacation proceedings. Under these new procedures, when a petitioner submits an application and a fee deposit to the Bureau of Engineering, the Chair of the Public Works Committee is required to introduce a motion for the purposes of assigning a Council File Number and initiating the investigation of the vacation.
Mario and Adriana Benci, owners of the property legally described as fraction of Lot 8, Tract 22621; have submitted an application requesting to vacate the remaining portion of Sunnyslope Avenue between Debby Street and Erwin Street in Council District 2. The petitioner has also submitted a fee deposit to cover the cost of processing the vacation proceedings.
Additionally, the adoption of the following recommendations does not constitute or imply approval of the vacation.
THEREFORE MOVE that upon adoption of this Motion, street vacation proceedings be initiated pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.
FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Engineering be directed to investigate the feasibility of this vacation request.
FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Engineering present its report regarding the feasibility of vacating the requested area to the Public Works Committee.
File History
6-24-03 - This day's Council session
6-24-03 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
7-1-03 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED
7-7-03 - File in files
8-29-03 - For ref - Transmittal from the Bureau of Engineering VAC-E1400864 relative to the vacation of Sunnyslope Avenue between Debby Street and Erwin Street.
9-2-03 - Ref to Public Works Committee
9-2-03 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
2-26-04 - For ref - REVISED Communication from the Bureau of Engineering VAC-E1400864 relative to the vacation of Sunnyslope Avenue between Debby Street and Erwin Street.
2-27-04 - Ref to Public Works Committee - to Committee Clerk
5-7-07 - MEMORANDUM TO FILE - This memorandum notes the expiration of the accompanying Council file/contents; the file is deemed terminated (received and filed) and the subject matter contained herein is closed. No other action is forthcoming.
Pursuant to Council action of September 13, 2005, all Council files pending before the City Council, which have not been placed on a Council or Committee agenda for consideration for a period of two years or more, are deemed received and filed (CF 05-0553).
5-7-07 - File in files
3-4-08 - For ref - Communication from the Bureau of Engineering, dated February 22, 2008, relative to reactivating the street vacation request of Sunnyslope Avenue between Debby Street and Erwin Street - VAC E1400864.
3-6-08 - Ref to Public Works Committee
3-6-08 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
7-21-08 - Communication from the Public Works Committee Clerk, dated July 21, 2008, relative to the vacation of Sunnyslope Avenue - is attached to Council file.
7-23-08 - Community Impact Statement from Greater Valley Glen Council, dated July 18, 2008 - is attached to Council file.