Motion - Recently there has been a problem with vendors selling what is commonly known as 'silly string' at various major holidays and events such as the Hollywood parade as well as the Chinese New Year parade. 'Silly string' is a product which when used emits a string-like or streamer-like substance that is shot or expelled from a pressurized container.
This product creates a great nuisance, significantly adds to the trash problem and can also raise security issues at these mass gatherings. Several cities throughout the nation, including New Orleans have enacted ordinances to ban the sale of 'silly string' along designated parade routes.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Attorney be requested to prepare and present an ordinance which would prohibit the sale of 'silly string' during parades and other special events, inasmuch as this product can create potential health, safety and welfare concerns for members of the public who attend parades and other similar events.
File History
4-20-04 - This day's Council session
4-20-04 - Ref to Public Works Committee
4-20-04 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
7-23-04 - Public Works Committee report ADOPTED *AS AMENDED to REQUEST the City Attorney to Prepare and Present an Ordinance banning the use or possession of "silly string" on City property and at all public events.
7-23-04 - *Amending Motion - LaBonge Mover 2004 / Miscikowski - ADOPTED - MOVE that the matter of the Public Works Committee Report relative to prohibiting the use or possession of "silly string" on City property and at all public events, as initiated by Motion (Garcetti - Perry) BE AMENDED to adopt the following recommendation in lieu of the recommendation contained in the Report:
REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present, in sufficient time for it to be in full force and effect by October 31, 2004, an ordinance banning the use or possession of "silly string" in any portion of the City covered by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Hollywood Division on October 31, of each year.
8-2-04 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk OK
8-3-04 - File in files
8-10-04 - For ref - Communication from the City Attorney R04-0344 relative to an ordinance adding Section 56.02 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit the possession, use, sale or distribution of a product known as "silly string" in the Los Angeles Police Department Hollywood Division on Halloween.
8-11-04 - Ref to Public Works Committee
8-11-04 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
8-17-04 - Verbal Motion - Smith Mover 2004 / LaBonge - ADOPTED - HEREBY MOVE that Council ADOPT the following recommendations of the City Attorney (Item No. 17, Council File 04-0772) relative to prohibiting the possession, use, sale or distribution of "Silly String" in the Los Angeles Police Department?s Hollywood Division on Halloween, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
1. FIND that this project is generally exempt, pursuant to State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15060 and the City?s CEQA Guidelines Article III, because it will have no environmental effects.
2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE relative to adding Section 56.02 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit the possession, use, sale, or distribution of a product known as "Silly String" in the Los Angeles Police Department?s Hollywood Division on Halloween to address public safety issues and environmental concerns. (Public Works Committee waived consideration of the above matter) - Ordinance OVER ONE WEEK TO September 7, 2004.
8-18-04 - Ordinance RECONSIDERED
8-18-04 - Ordinance ADOPTED adding Section 56.02 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit the possession, use, sale, or distribution of a product known as "Silly String" in the Los Angeles Police Department?s Hollywood Division on Halloween to address public safety issues and environmental concerns.
8-19-04 - File to Mayor for signature FORTHWITH
8-27-04 - File to Calendar Clerk
9-3-04 - File in files