Motion - The Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund provides funding for the acquisition of real property interests or the construction or maintenance of improvements upon real property owned by the City within the Council District for which the Fund was created, or for the funding of human service programs or assisting City departments with operating program funds.
The Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI) is coordinating the Peck Park Canyon Feasibility Study and the Wilmington Gateways Study. This effort is of special benefit for the residents of the City and for CD-15 and deserves financial assistance from the City.
Sufficient funds are available in the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund, which, combined with contributions from the Northwest San Pedro and Wilmington Neighborhood Councils, as well as the Council District 15 Street Furniture Revenue Fund, could be allocated for the above purpose.
THEREFORE MOVE that, subject to the approval of the Mayor, $10,000 in Fund 44B, Department 47, Appr. Acct. Number 1012 (Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council) AND $20,500 in Fund 44B, Department 47, Appr. Acct. Number 1001 (Wilmington Neighborhood Council) (TOTAL: $30,500) be transferred to the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund No. 697 for partial funding of the Peck Park Canyon Feasibility Study and the Wilmington Gateways Study.
FURTHER MOVE that $100,500 in the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund No. 697 be utilized to partially fund any aspect of the human services programs / projects conducted by or on behalf of the organizations listed below and in the amounts specified; and that the City Clerk be directed to prepare any documentation, upon receipt of required documentation, to provide funding to or for the benefit of the listed organizations and
in the amounts specified for this purpose; and that the Councilmember of the District be
authorized to execute on behalf of the City any such documentation, as needed:
Organization/purpose Amount
Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI)
Peck Park Canyon Feasibility Study $80,000
Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI)
Wilmington Gateways Study $20,500
TOTAL $100,500
File History
6-18-04 - This day's Council session
6-18-04 - Ref to Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee
6-18-04 - File to Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee Clerk
7-6-04 - Motion ADOPTED (Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
7-7-04 - File to the Mayor
7-12-04 - Mayor's message concurred in action of July 6, 2004
7-13-04 - File to Calendar Clerk
7-19-04 - File in files