File History
10-19-04 - For ref
10-20-04 - Ref to Transportation Committee
10-20-04 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
11-2-04 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED to:
1. AUTHORIZE the Department of Transportation (DOT) General Manager to circulate a Request for Proposal (RFP) and evaluate subsequent proposals for the School Bicycle and Transit Education Program.
2. AUTHORIZE the Department of Transportation General Manager to execute an amendment to the existing contract between Safe Moves and the City to extend the existing contract on a month-to-month basis beginning November 1, 2004, until a new contract is executed, but not to exceed nine months following the expiration of the existing contract on October 31, 2004.
11-4-04 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
11-8-04 - File in files
5-25-05 - This day's Council session - Motion - Villaraigosa Mover 2005 / Perry - The Department of Transportation, through outside contractors, has conducted a bicycle, pedestrian and transit safety education program for Los Angeles schoolchildren since 1983. Safe Moves has been the Department's contractor since 1988; its current contract extension expires on July 31, 2005. The Department is finalizing the Request for Proposal in selecting a contractor to continue its School Bicycle Safety and Transit Education Program for another five-year cycle.
The Request for Proposal process has been delayed because Safe Moves has not submitted the final contract deliverables. The Department intends to incorporate the contract deliverables into the Request for Proposal. The deliverables would have included cumulative information such as number and frequency of schools served since 1999. The information will give potential bidders a better understanding of the scope of the contract so the selection process will not be in favor of the existing contractor. Due to computer problems and frequent staff member turn over, Safe Moves has not been able to submit the contract deliverables on time. The Director of Safe Moves has promised to turn in the required deliverables in the next two months.
The School Bicycle Safety and Transit Education Program has been very successful in reducing bicycle-related accidents among children. The program has received strong support from local communities as well as school officials.
The current contract extension expires on July 31, 2005. To avoid a lapse of the on going program:
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor that Department of Transportation be given the authority to execute a month-to-month extension of the current contract until a new contract is executed, but not to exceed three months following the expiration of the current contract. The extension will allow adequate time to process the Request for Proposal (RFP), receive and evaluate proposals, select a new contractor, and execute a new contract. It is anticipated that the new program will begin by November of 2005.
5-25-05 - Ref to Transportation Committee
5-25-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
6-8-05 - For ref - Communication from the Department of Transportation, dated June 6, 2005, relative to outsider contract for School Bicycle Safety and Transit Education Program.
6-21-05 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED to AUTHORIZE the Department of Transportation (DOT) General Manager to execute a month-to-month extension of the current contract until a new contract is executed, but not to exceed six months following the expiration of the current contract.
6-24-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
6-27-05 - File in files
11-29-05 - For ref - Transmittal from the Mayor of a Department of Transportation report, dated November 1, 2005, relative to recommendation to award contract for the School Bicycle Safety and Transit Education Program.
11-30-05 - Ref to Transportation Committee
11-30-05 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
1-17-06 - Council Action - Transportation Committee report ADOPTED to AUTHORIZE the General Manager of the Department of Transportation to negotiate and execute a three-year contract, with two one-year contract extensions with Safe Moves for the operation of the School Bicycle and Transit Education Program.
1-24-06 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk OK
1-24-06 - File in files