Motion - In response to the recent bombings in London, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised the terror alert level from Yellow to Orange for mass transit systems on July 7, 2005. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has responded with a substantial increase in terrorism prevention activity.
Funding from the FY04 State Homeland Security Grant Program (Council File 04-2499), in the amount of $260,000, was previously allocated for the purchase of a Cell Phone Tracking System (CPTS). This equipment will be used by LAPD intelligence units to rapidly track the location of suspects using a cellular telephone. The budget allocation also includes a two-week training course to ensure proficiency in using the device during field operations.
Due to the heightened alert, the LAPD is requesting the expedited purchase of the CPTS through a sole source purchase from Digital Receiver Technology (DRT). The CPTS is an essential tool to advance the LAPD's ability to gather critical local intelligence. The immediate purchase of this system will also better allow the LAPD to coordinate their work with other federal agencies during joint investigations.
The LAPD has done extensive research to determine the best product available for tracking cellular telephone calls. Most vendors only offered a product that could track phones issued by one or two cellular service providers. Conversely, DRT's equipment can track and monitor all cellular phone traffic, making it the most advanced product on the market. To match the capability of DRT's product, the LAPD would be required to purchase several individual systems from other vendors at a far greater total cost. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has reviewed and approved this sole source purchase.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor:
1. APPROVE the sole source purchase, pursuant to City Charter 371 (e) (10), of the Cell Phone Tracking System, in an amount not to exceed $260,000, from Digital Receiver Technology, Inc.
2. AUTHORIZE the Mayor's Criminal Justice Planning Office, with the assistance of the LAPD, to execute a sole source contract with Digital Receiver Technology, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $260,000, for the purchase of the Cell Phone Tracking System and related training services.