Transmittal from the Mayor of a Board of Public Works report, dated June 5, 2006, relative to release funds from the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Unappropriated Balance to the Bureau of Sanitation for Recycling Ambassador Program in amount of $571,668 and Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP) in amount of $418,484.
File History
6-12-06 - For ref
6-13-06 - Ref to Energy and Environment, Personnel and Budget and Finance Committees
6-13-06 - File to Energy and Environment Committee Clerk
6-28-06 - File to Personnel Committee Clerk
7-28-06 - For ref - Communication from the City Administrative Officer 0120-17261-0000, dated July 27, 2006, relative to the transfer of funds from the Unappropriated Balance for the Recycling Ambassador Program and the Solid Waste Integrated Resource Plan.
7-31-06 - Ref to Energy and Environment, Personnel and Budget and Finance Committees - to Energy and Environment Committee Clerk
8-2-06 - File to Personnel Committee Clerk
8-14-06 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
8-15-06 - File to Ad Hoc Renew LA Committee Clerk
9-20-06 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to APPROVE Budget and Finance and Ad Hoc Recovering Energy, Natural Resources and Economic Benefit from Waste for Los Angeles (RENEW LA) communication recommendations, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
1. AUTHORIZE the following 15 positions on resolution authority through June 30, 2007, subject to allocation by the Civil Service Commission and paygrade determinations by Employee Relations:
No. Class Code Class Title
8 3580-2 Refuse Collection Truck Operator II
1 4101 Refuse Collection Supervisor
3 7871-2 Sanitary Engineering Associate II
1 7872 Sanitary Engineer
1 7874 Senior Sanitary Engineer
1 9184-2 Management Analyst II
2. APPROPRIATE $571,668 from the Unappropriated Balance, Fund 100/58, Account 0203, Contamination Reduction Program (Recycling Ambassador Program) to the following accounts in the Bureau of Sanitation, Fund 100/82:
Account No. Account Title Amount
1010 Salaries General $387,270
2120 Printing and Binding 100,000
3040 Contractual Services 50,000
4430 Uniforms 5,310
6010 Office and Admin. Expenses 29,088
TOTAL $571,668
3. APPROPRIATE $418,484 from the Unappropriated Balance, Fund 100/58, Account 0184, Solid Waste Integrated Resource Plan to the following accounts in the Bureau of Sanitation, Fund 100/82:
Account No. Account Title Amount
1010 Salaries General $408,399
6010 Office and Admin. Expenses 10,085
TOTAL $418,484
4. DIRECT the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS), in consultation with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 347, to report back in regard to job classifications, duties and compensation of the personnel used to staff the Recycling Ambassador Program/Contamination Reduction Program and in particular, the use of Refuse Collection Truck Operators (Civil Service Class 3580-2). (Also referred to the Personnel Committee for consideration).
9-20-06 - Council Action - Personnel Committee report RECEIVED and FILED
9-22-06 - File to Mayor
9-29-06 - Mayor's message concurred in Council action of September 20, 2006
10-2-06 - File to Calendar Clerk
10-11-06 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
10-12-06 - File in files
6-26-07 - For ref - Communication from the City Administrative Officer, dated June 25, 2007, relative to Amendment No. 3 to MOU No. 4 (Equipment Operation and Labor Unit - SEIU Local 347) to provide a 5.5% salary bonus for the eight Refuse Collection Truck Operators assigned to the Recycling Ambassador Program effective February 4, 2007.
6-26-07 - Ref to Personnel and Budget and Finance Committees
6-26-07 - File to Personnel Committee Clerk
7-20-07 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
9-11-07 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to approve Budget and Finance Committee report and communication recommendation to REQUEST the City Attorney to report on:
a. Proposed language for State legislation to have a sentence enhancement of two years or 25% of the sentence for wearing a mask during a robbery or attempted robbery.
b. Whether the City can independently seek such a sentence enhancement through a local ordinance.
9-13-07 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
9-17-07 - File in files