Council File: 06-1608Subscribe via emailPrint this recordPublic Comment

Communication from the Department of General Services, Municipal Facilities Committee, dated June 29, 2006, relative to the acquisition of the Chicago Plaza Building located at 2130 East 1st Street, Los Angeles for the Boyle Heights Neighborhood City Hall in Council District Fourteen, for the amount of $6,350,000.
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
Council District
Initiated by
General Services Department
Municipal Facilities Committee
File History
7-12-06 - For ref
7-13-06 - Ref to Information Technology and General Services and Budget and Finance Committees
7-13-06 - File to Information Technology and General Services Committee Clerk
12-8-06 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
12-18-06 - For ref - Communication from the City Administrative Officer, dated December 15, 2006, relative to the proposed acquisition of the Chicago Building located at 2130 East First Street, at the corner of First and Chicago Streets.
12-19-06 - Ref to Information Technology and General Services and Budget and Finance Committees - to Information Technology and General Services Committee Clerk
12-20-06 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to APPROVE Budget and Finance Committee report recommendations, *as amended to:
1. INSTRUCT the Department of Building and Safety to complete the final seismic inspection on the Chicago Plaza Building and advise the Department of General Services (DGS) of the status and sign-off.
2. INSTRUCT the DGS to work with the Department of Building and Safety and the Bureau of Engineering to report back to the Budget and Finance Committee on January 8, 2006, with cost estimates on the following:
a. relocation of the current tenants; estimates should include relocation during renovation, and permanent relocation costs
b. bringing the building into compliance with the City Building Code
c. costs to perform immediate repairs required for the building
d. any necessary seismic retrofit
3. INSTRUCT the DGS to keep escrow active until all cost estimates are provided to Budget and Finance Committee, and a final approval provided by City Council and the Mayor.
4. FIND that the acquisition and tenant improvements for the Boyle Heights Neighborhood City Hall is categorically exempt under from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, pursuant to Article 111, Section 1 of the City's CEQA guidelines.
5. APPROVE the acquisition of property located at 2130 E. First Street for the price of $6,350,000 to house the Boyle Heights Neighborhood City Hall building and AUTHORIZE the DGS to process all necessary paperwork to purchase the property.
6. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering to ensure that the building will be rehabilitated and restored in a manner consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings, since the building has been found to be eligible for State and National historical resource designation.
7. AUTHORIZE the DGS to report back to the Municipal Facilities Committee (MFC) on interim leases and relocation agreements with the current tenants of the building.
8. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering and the DGS to report to the MFC on a quarterly basis on the progress of this project.
9. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with the DGS and the Chief Legislative Analyst, to report back to the Budget and Finance Committee on January 8, 2006 relative to the following:
a. a final stacking plan for tenancy at the Boyle Heights Neighborhood City Hall
b. that the previously approved Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA) financing for this project is determined to be $11 million of taxable monies
c. an additional allocation of $1,425,000 of taxable MICLA monies for this project to provide sufficient funds for tenant improvements at this facility.
(Information Technology and General Services Committee waived consideration of the above matter) - Categorical Exemption APPROVED.
12-20-06 - Council Action - *Amending Motion - Huizar Mover 2006 / Parks - ADOPTED - Today's Council Agenda contains a proposal to authorize staff to proceed with acquisition and development of a Neighborhood City Hall in Boyle Heights (Item #39). The recommendations on file instruct staff to revise cost estimates for bringing the building into compliance with the City's Building Code, including any necessary seismic work, and further instruct staff to present a 'stacking plan' for the building's final occupancy. The latter will affect the type of financing that may be used to purchase and build out the facility.
So that the City Council will have the most accurate information available when considering the project's final budget, City staff should use the approved stack plan to develop final construction documents and a "Class A" estimate of the total cost of tenant improvements. This information will also allow City staff to identify the appropriate sources and types of financing for the project.
THEREFORE MOVE that Item #39 on the Wednesday, December 20, 2006 City Council Agenda be amended to add the following recommendations:
10. AUTHORIZE and INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering and the General Services Department to proceed with the development of construction documents based on the approved "stack plan" and report to the City Council with a Class A estimate of the total project costs.
11. INSTRUCT the CAO to use the Class A estimate to develop and present to the City Council a final financing plan to cover the total cost of purchasing and developing a Neighborhood City Hall at this location.
1-5-07 - File to Budget and Finance and Information Technology and General Services Committee Clerks OK
1-9-07 - File in files
2-22-07 - For ref - Communication from the City Administrative Officer 0640-01395-0001, dated February 22, 2007, relative to the proposed acquisition of the Chicago Building located at 2130 East First Street.
2-23-07 - Ref to Budget and Finance, Housing, Community and Economic Development and Information Technology and General Services Committees
2-23-07 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
3-1-07 - For ref - Communication from the City Administrative Officer 0640-01395-0002, dated February 27, 2007, relative to the proposed purchase of the Chicago Building located at 2130 East First Street, in Los Angeles.
3-1-07 - Ref to Budget and Finance and Housing, Community and Economic Development and Information Technology and General Services Committees - to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk
3-7-07 - Council Action - Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee report ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
1. PROVIDE the funding needed for the Department of General Services (GSD) to purchase the building located at 2130 East First Street in the City of Los Angeles; close escrow once all conditions are met; and, pay for costs related to the acquisition and improvements to the property, as follows:
a. Authorize the issuance of an additional $5,225,000 in Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA) financing for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the building located at 2130 East First Street in Los Angeles.
b. Authorize the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to issue both taxable and tax-exempt MICLA commercial paper as needed until the final occupancy of the building is determined and approved.
c. Request the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to take the necessary actions to make available $1.0 million in Council District 14 Assembly Bill (AB)1290 funds for the purchase and rehabilitation of the building located at 2130 East First Street in Los Angeles.
2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and the GSD to report regularly to the Municipal Facilities Committee on the status of the project.
3. INSTRUCT the GSD to report back to the Information Technology and General Services Committee with an assessment of the Chicago Building's fair market value.
3-7-07 - Council Action - Budget and Finance Committee report ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
CONCUR with the recommendations of the Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee relative to the proposed acquisition of the Chicago Building at 2130 East First Street for the Boyle Heights Neighborhood City Hall.
3-9-07 - File to Mayor FORTHWITH
3-15-07 - Mayor's message concurred in Council action of March 7, 2007
3-16-07 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk
3-28-07 - File to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee OK
3-28-07 - File in files

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Meeting Date: 03/07/2007
Meeting Type: Special
Vote Action: Adopted
Vote Given: (13 - 0 - 2)
Member Name CD Vote