File History
7-18-07 - For ref
7-18-07 - For ref - Communication from the Los Angeles City Planning Commission, dated July 17, 2007, relative to:
APPEAL REQUEST: An appeal on part of the City Planning Commission determination for:
LOCATION: 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope Street; 111, 121, 130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way
APPELLANT(S): Christopher Sutton on behalf of Today's IV Inc., dba Westin Bonaventure Hotel (Attn.: Peter Zen, Suite 516, 404 South Figueroa Street, LA 90071-1710)
APPLICANT: The Related Companies, LLC
7-18-07 - Ref to Planning and Land Use Management Committee
7-18-07 - File to Planning and Land Use Management Committee Clerk
8-15-07 - For ref - Communication from the City Attorney R07-0306, dated August 15, 2007, relative to a draft ordinance authorizing the adoption of a Development Agreement by and between the City of Los Angeles and Grand Avenue L.A., LLC.
8-15-07 - Ref to Planning and Land Use Management Committee - to Committee Clerk
8-23-07 - Set for Planning and Land Use Management Committee on September 11, 2007 and in Council September 19, 2007
8-28-07 - For ref - Communication from the Los Angeles City Planning Commission, dated August 28, 2007, relative to THREE Appeals relating to:
Tentative Tract No. 67492-2A;Tentative Tract No. 67490-2A;Tentative Tract No. 67491-2A.
LOCATION: 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope Street; 111, 121, 130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way.
APPLICANT: The Related Companies; Beatrice Hsu
REPRESENTATIVE: Psomas, Jennifer Yakubik - 310-954-3742 or 3700
APPELLANT: Christopher Sutton on behalf of Today's IV Inc., dba Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Attn.: Peter Zen.
REPRESENTATIVE: Christopher Sutton; (626)683-2500
8-30-07 - Ref to Planning and Land Use Management Committee - to Committee Clerk
9-7-07 - Set for Planning and Land Use Management Committee on September 11, 2007
9-11-07 - Planning and Land Use Management Committee Disposition - Deny appeals, approve as amended; Approve Ordinances for Development Agreement and Zone Change, as amended
9-13-07 - For ref - Communication from the Planning Department, dated September 12, 2007, and an ordinance relative to a zone change revision from R5-4D to [T][Q]C2-4D for properties at 100 and 221-237 South Grand Avenue, 121-135 South Hill Street, 220 and 236 South Hope Street, 111-161 South Olive Street, 400 and 440 West 1st Street, 411-431 West 2nd Street, and 600 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way within the Central City Plan Area.
9-13-07 - Ref to Planning and Land Use Management Committee - to Committee Clerk
9-19-07 - Council Action - Planning and Land Use Management Committee report ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR to:
1. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the City Planning Commission (CPC), as modified by the Planning and Land Use Management Committee, and attached to the Committee report, as the Findings of the Council.
2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Grand Avenue Authority's (Authority) Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (State Clearing House No. 2005091041), as certified by the Authority in November 2006, as the Findings of the Council. The Authority was established through a Joint Exercise of Power Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles (CRA) and the County of Los Angeles.
3. ADOPT the subsequent California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) FINDINGS, as modified by the Planning and Land Use Management Committee, which reflect the independent judgement and analysis of the City as a Responsible Party under CEQA, that the projects environmental effects have been adequately examined and addressed.
4. RESOLVE TO DENY APPEAL filed by Christopher Sutton on behalf of Todays IV, Inc., dba Westin Bonaventure Hotel, from the decision of the CPC, and THEREBY APPROVE for property located at 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope Street; 111, 121,130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way (also known as Grand Avenue Project), the following, subject to Conditions of Approval, as modified by the Planning and Land Use Management Committee, and attached to the Committee report:
a. Conditional Uses to: (1) permit a mixed-use development with a floor area ratio of 9.9:1 throughout the entire site in lieu of the maximum allowed ratio of 6:1 under the existing "D" limitation of Ordinance No. 164,307; (2) permit a residential density of one unit per 136 square feet of net lot area throughout the entire site in lieu of the minimum allowed one unit per 200 square feet of net lot area; (3) permit the sale and dispensing of alcoholic beverages for 35 establishments that will offer on-site sale and consumption, or off-site sales, including 28 establishments that will offer on-site alcoholic beverage service, five establishments that will sell alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption, and two establishments with a combination of on-site and off-site consumption in the
C2 zone incident to the zone change on Parcels Q, L/M-2, and W-1/W-2; (4) permit live entertainment with incidental public dancing at up to eight establishments in the C2 zone incident to the zone change on Parcels Q, L/M-2, and W-1/W-2.
b. Zone Variances to: (1) permit 47,758 square feet of open space for 500 dwelling units on Parcel Q in lieu of the required 73,000 square feet of open space; (2) permit 33,000 square feet of open space for 850 dwelling units on Parcels L/M-2 in lieu of the required 123,650 square feet of open space; (3) permit 62,100 square feet of open space for 1,310 dwelling units on Parcels W-1/W-2 in lieu of the required 190,650 square feet of open space for the Additional Residential Development Option, or to permit 41,000 square feet of open space for 710 dwelling units on Parcels W-1/W-2 in lieu of the required 103,300 square feet of open space for the County Office Building Option; where the common residential open space for all five parcels will include the square footage of adjacent public plazas, and that the landscaped portion of that common open space be less than the 25 percent minimum that is required; (4) permit tandem parking spaces with a valet in lieu of providing a minimum of one individually and easily accessible parking space at all times for each dwelling unit or guest room for residents and hotel guests.
5. RESOLVE TO DENY APPEAL filed by Christopher Sutton on behalf of Today's IV, Inc., dba Westin Bonaventure Hotel, from the decision of the CPC, in part, and THEREBY APPROVE for property located at 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope Street; 111, 121,130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way (also known as Grand Avenue Project), the following, subject to Conditions of Approval, as modified, and as shown in attachments to the Committee report.
a. Tentative Tract No. 67490 (Parcel Q) to permit a two-master lot subdivision and 19 airspace lots for the construction of a new 400-unit residential condominium, 100 affordable apartment units with 35 percent at extremely low and 65 percent at very low income levels, 284,000 square feet of commercial/retail, and a 275-room hotel or 275 hotel condominium units, with a total of 1,510 parking spaces on a 3.02 net acre site in the C2-4D and R5-4D zones.
b. Tentative Tract No. 67491 (Parcels W-1 and W-2) for the merger and re-subdivision of two lots to permit a two-master lot subdivision and 27 airspace lots for construction of either: (1) a new 568-unit residential condominium, 142 affordable apartment units with 50 percent at very low and 50 percent at low income levels, 64,000 square feet of commercial/retail, and 681,000 square feet of commercial office with a total of 1,955 parking spaces; or (2) a new 1,048-unit residential condominium, 262 affordable apartment units with 50 percent at very low and 50 percent at low income levels, 64,000 square feet of commercial/retail with a total of 2,175 parking spaces on a 3.14 net acre site in the C2-4D and R5-4D zones.
c. Tentative Tract No. 67492 (Parcels L and M-2) for the merger and re-subdivision of one lot and one portion of a lot to permit a two-master lot subdivision and 13 airspace lots for a new 680-unit residential condominium, 170 affordable apartment units with 50 percent at very low and 50 percent at low income levels, and 101,000 square feet of commercial/retail with 1,570 total parking spaces on a 2.20 net acre site in the R5-4D zone.
6. PRESENT and ADOPT accompanying ORDINANCE, authorizing the execution of a Development Agreement by and between the City of Los Angeles and Grand Avenue L.A., LLC, a Delaware limited liability company relating to real property in the Central City Community Plan and Bunker Hill Redevelopment Area, and pursuant to Section 65864 of the State Government Code and the City Implementing procedures with a term of 20 years for Parcels Q, L/M -2 and W-1/W-2 for property at 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope
Street; 111, 121,130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
7. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying NEW ORDINANCE approved by the Director of Planning, effecting a Zone Change from R5-4D to [T][Q] C2-4D, for property at 100, 221, 225, and 237 South Grand Avenue; 121, 129, and 135 South Hill Street; 220 and 236 South Hope Street; 111, 121,130, 134, 138, 141, 145, 151, and 161 South Olive Street; 400 and 440 West 1st Street; 411, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 West 2nd Street; and 630 and 635 West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way, subject to Conditions of Approval, as modified by the Planning and Land Use Management Committee, and attached to the Committee report.
Said rezoning shall be subject to the [Q] Qualified classification zone limitations as shown on the attached sheets.
8. REMOVE [T] Tentative classification as described in detail on the sheet(s) attached to the Committee report.
9. ADVISE the applicant of [Q] Qualified classification time limit as described in the Committee report.
10. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to California State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.
11. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.
12. NOT PRESENT and ORDER FILED the Zone Change Ordinance dated June 14, 2007 - Findings ADOPTED - ORDINANCES ADOPTED
Applicant: The Related Companies, LLC CPC 2006-9702-ZC-CU-CUB-CUX-ZV-DA
TT Nos. 67490, 67491 and 67492
9-25-07 - File to Mayor for signature
10-4-07 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk
10-10-07 - File to Planning and Land Use Management Committee Clerk OK
10-10-07 - File in files
7-10-08 - Environmental Impact Report for Grand Avenue - is attached to Council file.