Communication from the Department of Transportation, dated October 24, 2007, relative to developing a new Bicycle Plan and the hiring of a consultant, Alta Planning and Design.
File History
10-26-07 - For ref
10-29-07 - Ref to Transportation Committee
10-29-07 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
11-2-07 - Communication from the Mayor of a Planning Department, dated April 22, 2002, relative to the Proposed Technical Update to the City's Bicycle Plan - is attached to file.
11-20-07 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to approve Transportation Committee report recommendations
11-28-07 - File to Mayor
12-10-07 - Mayor's message concurred in Council Action on November 20, 2007
12-10-07 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk
12-19-07 - This day's Council session - Reyes Mover 2007/Rosendahl - Motion - That the Council instruct the Planning Department, in collaboration with LADOT, and in consultation with Council District 1, on the following bicycling and land use policy directives, as part of the new Bicycle Plan, a section of the Transportation Element of the General Plan, that is currently being prepared:
1. Identify Council District 1 as a pilot project to implement the bicycle improvements enumerated in the text of the Motion.
2. Plan a public workshop in Council District 1 in early 2008 to gather input from residents, bicyclists, businesses, and all other stakeholders to map out where the above mentioned bicycle improvements would work in their communities. The workshops should be accessible to people of all ethnic backgrounds and abilities.
3. The inclusion of street designations for bicycling within Community Plans.
4. The feasibility of replicating the City of San Diego, CA TRANSNET Extension Ordinance as a model to accommodate the transportation needs of bicyclists and pedestrians.
12-19-07 - Ref to Transportation and Planning and Land Use Management Committees
12-19-07 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk
1-30-08 - File to Planning and Land Use Management Committee
2-8-08 - Set for Joint Planning and Land Use Management Committee and Transportation Committee on February 12, 2008
2-12-08 - Joint Planning and Land Use Management Committee and Transportation Committee Disposition - Departments to report back in 90 days
2-12-08 - Planning and Land Use Management Committee Disposition - Departments to report back in 90 days
2-29-08 - Communication from the Planning and Land Use Management Committee Clerk, dated February 29, 2008, relative to the Planning Department report back - is attached to Council file.
5-9-08 - Set for Planning and Land Use Management Committee on May 13, 2008
5-13-08 - Planning and Land Use Management Committee Disposition - Approve; refer to Transportation Committee
5-14-08 - File to Transportation Committee Clerk per Planning and Land Use Management Committee letter
5-14-08 - For ref - Communication from the Planning Department, dated May 8, 2008, submitted in Planning and Land Use Management Committee on May 13, 2008, relative to City's Bicycle Plan Update.
5-15-08 - Ref to Planning and Land Use Management and Transportation Committees - to Planning and Land Use Management Committee Clerk
7-17-08 - Communication from the Public, submitted in Transportation Committee, dated July 9, 2008, relative to Cyclists' Bill of Rights - is attached to Council File.
7-17-08 - Speaker Cards dated July 9, 2008, submitted in Transportation Committee - are attached to Council file.