Motion - That upon adoption of this motion, street vacation proceedings to vacate 36th Street between Hill Street and Broadway and a 14.5 foot wide airspace over Hill Street at the intersection with 36th Street, be initiated pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.
File History
12-12-07 - This day's Council session
12-12-07 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
12-19-07 -Council Action - Motion ADOPTED
12-27-07 - File in files
2-22-08 - For ref - Communication from the Bureau of Engineering, dated February 13, 2008, relative to Hill Street (Airspace) and 36th Street Vacation District - Vacation Approval - VAC-E1401093.
2-26-08 - Ref to Public Works Committee
2-26-08 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk
6-13-08 - Communication from the Public Works Committee Clerk, dated June 11, 2008, relative to the vacation proceedings of 36th Street - is attached to Council file.
6-25-08 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED to approve Public Works Committee communication recommendation - Findings ADOPTED - Categorical Exemption APPROVED - Set for Hearing JULY 23, 2008
7-23-08 - Council Action - Public Hearing Closed - No Protests - City Engineer instructed to proceed.
7-31-08 - File to Public Works Committee Clerk OK
7-31-08 - File in files