Transmittal from the Mayor of the Los Angeles Housing Department's report, dated February 25, 2008, relative to the proposed Residential Hotel Unit Conversion and Demolition Ordinance.
File History
3-20-08 - For ref
3-20-08 - Ref to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee
3-20-08 - File to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee Clerk
4-15-08 - For ref - Communication from the Chief Legislative Analyst 08-04-3083, dated April 15, 2008, relative to Replacement Units Constructed and Fees Collected pursuant to the Ordinance, proposed exemptions and increased Council oversight.
4-16-08 - Ref to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee - to Committee Clerk
4-18-08 - Communication from Fred B. Cordova, III, dated April 18, 2008, relative to the Cecil Hotel - attached to file
4-23-08 - Council Action - CONTINUED to MAY 6, 2008
4-30-08 - For Council - Communication from the City Attorney R08-0126, dated April 30, 2008, relative to a draft ordinance adding Article 7.1 to Chapter IV of the Municipal Code and Amending Sections, and 151.09 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to Regulate the Demolition and Conversion of Residential Hotel Units- file to Brian Walters.
5-6-08 - Council Action - Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee Report ADOPTED
5-6-08 - Council Action - Motion (Item 6A) - Perry Mover 2008 / Parks - ADOPTED
5-6-08 - Council Action - Verbal Motion - Perry Mover 2008 / LaBonge - ADOPTED - Exemption, Findings and Ordinance ADOPTED *AS AMENDED.
5-6-08 - File to Mayor for signature FORTHWITH
5-16-08 - File to Council and Legislative Processing Clerk
5-20-08 - File to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee Clerk OK
5-21-08 - File in files
5-28-08 - This day's Council session - Motion - Perry Mover 2008 / Garcetti - That the Council Action of 5-6-08 adopting an ordinance to regulate the demolition and conversion of residential hotel units (CF 08-0644), BE AMENDED to request the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance to make Council action on appeal to sustain, modify, or reject the Housing Department's authorization of the construction of fewer units under Section 47.83.G of the ordinance, subject to the approval of the Mayor, etc.
5-28-08 - Ref to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee
5-28-08 - File to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee Clerk
7-23-08 - Council Action - Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee report ADOPTED *AS AMENDED
7-23-08 - Council Action - amending motion ADOPTED - Mover Perry 2008 / Parks
7-31-08 - File to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee Clerk OK
7-31-08 - File in files
8-5-08 - For ref - Communication from the City Attorney R08-0290, dated August 4, 2008, relative to a draft ordinance amending Article 7.1 to Chapter IV, Subdivision 13 of Subsection A of Section 151.09, and Subsection G of Section 151.09, of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to clarify procedures in the Residential Hotel Unit Conversion and Demolition Ordinance regarding the determination of hotels subject to the ordinance and the classification of rooms in residential hotels as tourist or residential, and to add a provision allowing the Mayor to veto a decision by the Los Angeles City Council regarding the number if replacement units.
8-5-08 - Ref to Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee
8-5-08 - File to Housing, Community and Ecomonic Development Committee Clerk