Date |
Activity |
08/01/2011 |
Council action final.
07/25/2011 |
Mayor transmitted file to City Clerk. Ordinance effective date: September 5, 2011.
07/22/2011 |
City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is August 1, 2011.
07/20/2011 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
07/13/2011 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on July 20, 2011.
07/08/2011 |
Transportation Committee waived consideration of item .
06/13/2011 |
City Attorney document(s) referred to Transportation Committee.
06/13/2011 |
Document(s) submitted by City Attorney, as follows:
City Attorney report R11-0216, dated June 10, 2011, relative to a revised draft ordinance adding Article 5.10 to Chapter 1V of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit harassment of bicyclists because of their status as bicyclists.
03/09/2011 |
Transportation Committee approved as amended to incorporate into the Ordinance clarifying language regarding the recovery of civil damage awards, and other amendments.
03/04/2011 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on March 9, 2011.
02/18/2011 |
City Attorney document(s) referred to Transportation Committee.
02/17/2011 |
Document(s) submitted by City Attorney, as follows:
City Attorney report R11-0069, dated February 17, 2011, relative to an ordinance adding Article 5.10 to Chapter IV of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to prohibit harassment of bicyclists because of their status as bicyclists.
11/15/2010 |
Council action final.
11/10/2010 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
11/04/2010 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on November 10, 2010.
11/01/2010 |
Public Safety Committee approved as amended to include in the proposed ordinance a civil penalty of up $1,000.
10/28/2010 |
Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on November 1, 2010.
10/27/2010 |
Transportation Committee approved as amended to include in the proposed ordinance a civil penalty of up $1,000.
10/21/2010 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on October 27, 2010.
07/13/2010 |
City Clerk transmitted Council File to Public Safety Committee.
07/13/2010 |
City Attorney document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee; Transportation Committee.
07/08/2010 |
Document(s) submitted by City Attorney, as follows:
City Attorney report R10-0206, dated July 8, 2010, relative to the prevention of harassment of bicyclists in the City of Los Angeles.
01/29/2010 |
Council action final.
01/27/2010 |
Council adopted item as amended, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
01/19/2010 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on January 27, 2010.
01/14/2010 |
Public Safety Committee transmitted Council File to Transportation Committee.
01/11/2010 |
Public Safety Committee approved as amended to request the City Attorney, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation, to report with recomendations for actions the City can take relative to this matter, and what actions require state legislation..
01/07/2010 |
Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on January 11, 2010.
12/09/2009 |
Transportation Committee transmitted Council File to Public Safety Committee.
12/09/2009 |
Transportation Committee approved item(s) .
12/04/2009 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on December 9, 2009.
12/01/2009 |
City Clerk transmitted Council File to Transportation Committee.
12/01/2009 |
Motion referred to Public Safety Committee; Transportation Committee.