Date | Activity | |
03/13/2018 | Council action final. | |
03/12/2018 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
03/09/2018 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is March 19, 2018. | |
03/09/2018 | Council adopted item forthwith. | |
03/05/2018 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on March 9, 2018. | |
02/28/2018 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
02/23/2018 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on February 28, 2018. | |
02/21/2018 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
02/21/2018 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0229, dated February 21, 2018, relative to proposed budget modifications and reappropriations related to the United States Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant award. |
02/08/2018 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
02/07/2018 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated February 1, 2018, relative to proposed budget modifications and reappropriations related to the United States Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant award. |
08/23/2016 | Council action final. | |
08/19/2016 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
08/17/2016 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is August 29, 2016. | |
08/16/2016 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
08/09/2016 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on August 16, 2016. | |
08/02/2016 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
07/29/2016 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on August 2, 2016. | |
07/29/2016 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
07/29/2016 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
07/28/2016 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated July 5, 2016, relative to the reappropriation of funds for Fiscal year 2016-17 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 and FY 2014 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant awards from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). |
07/28/2016 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0203, dated July 28, 2016, relative to authorization to reappropriate funds relative toFiscal year 2013 and 2014 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant awards. |
02/08/2016 | Council action final. | |
02/05/2016 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
02/03/2016 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is February 16, 2016. | |
02/02/2016 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
01/26/2016 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on February 2, 2016. | |
01/19/2016 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) (Recommendations in City Administrative Officer report). | |
01/15/2016 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on January 19, 2016. | |
01/07/2016 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
01/05/2016 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0192, dated January 5, 2016, relative to the reappropriation of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 for the FY 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Award. |
12/08/2015 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
12/08/2015 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated December 7, 2015, relative to the reappropriation of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 for the Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Award. |
09/15/2015 | Council action final. | |
09/14/2015 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
09/04/2015 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is September 14, 2015. | |
09/02/2015 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
08/26/2015 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on September 2, 2015. | |
08/18/2015 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
08/14/2015 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on August 18, 2015. | |
08/13/2015 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
08/12/2015 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-01856, dated August 12, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Budget Modifications. |
08/04/2015 | Mayor referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
08/04/2015 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated July 30, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative (USAI) Grant budget modifications. |
06/29/2015 | Council action final. | |
06/29/2015 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
06/26/2015 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is July 6, 2015. | |
06/26/2015 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is July 6, 2015. | |
06/26/2015 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
06/24/2015 | Council adopted item forthwith. | |
06/23/2015 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on June 26, 2015. | |
06/22/2015 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
06/22/2015 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0183, dated June 22, 2015, relative to the request for authorization for Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant budget modifications and contracting authorities. |
06/22/2015 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on June 26, 2015. | |
06/15/2015 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
06/12/2015 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated June 10, 2015, relative to the Fiscal Year Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Budget Modifications and Contracting Authorities. |
03/09/2015 | Council action final. | |
03/09/2015 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
03/05/2015 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is March 16, 2015. | |
03/04/2015 | Council adopted item forthwith. | |
02/27/2015 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
02/25/2015 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on March 4, 2015. | |
02/23/2015 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on February 27, 2015. | |
12/19/2014 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
12/18/2014 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated December 18, 2014, relative to proposed contracting authorities and budget modifications related to the United States Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant award. |
11/07/2014 | Council action final. | |
11/07/2014 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
11/05/2014 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is November 17, 2014. | |
11/04/2014 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
10/29/2014 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on November 4, 2014. | |
10/28/2014 | Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of item . | |
10/24/2014 | Public Safety Committee approved as amended to incorporate technical amendments to recommendations 1h and 1i of the City Administrative Officer report. | |
10/24/2014 | City Clerk transmitted City Administrative Officer document(s) to Public Safety Committee . | |
10/24/2014 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee; Public Safety Committee. | |
10/23/2014 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0171, dated October 23, 2014, relative to authorization to modify the United States Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative (FY13 UASI) grant. |
10/21/2014 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on October 24, 2014. | |
10/01/2014 | City Clerk transmitted Council File to Public Safety Committee. | |
10/01/2014 | Mayor document(s) referred to Personnel and Animal Welfare Committee; Public Safety Committee. | |
10/01/2014 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated September 30, 2014, relative to the United States Department of Homeland Security contracting authorities and budget modifications for Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Area Security Initiative grant award. |
06/12/2014 | Council action final. | |
06/11/2014 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
06/10/2014 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is June 20, 2014. | |
06/10/2014 | Council adopted item forthwith. | |
05/29/2014 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on June 10, 2014. | |
05/23/2014 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
05/21/2014 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
05/21/2014 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0163, dated May 21, 2014, relative to Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant contracting authorities and budget modifications. |
05/19/2014 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on May 23, 2014. | |
03/20/2014 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
03/19/2014 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated March 14, 2014, relative to the United States Department of Homeland Security contracting authorities and budget modifications for Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Area Security Initiative grant award. |
12/05/2013 | Council action final. | |
12/03/2013 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
11/26/2013 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is December 6, 2013. | |
11/22/2013 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
11/14/2013 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on November 22, 2013. | |
11/08/2013 | Public Safety Committee approved item(s) . | |
11/04/2013 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on November 8, 2013. | |
11/01/2013 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
11/01/2013 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0156, dated November 1, 2013, relative to acceptance of the United States Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant award, etc. |
10/02/2013 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
10/02/2013 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated October 1, 2013, relative to the acceptance of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds on behalf of the Los Angeles/Long Beach Urban Area, for a performance period of August 29, 2013 to May 31, 2015; etc. |
08/12/2013 | Council action final. | |
08/09/2013 | Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk. | |
08/08/2013 | City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is August 19, 2013. | |
08/06/2013 | Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51. | |
07/30/2013 | City Clerk scheduled item for Council on August 6, 2013. | |
07/22/2013 | Public Safety Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on July 26, 2013. | |
07/18/2013 | City Administrative Officer document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
07/17/2013 |
Document(s) submitted by City Administrative Officer, as follows: City Administrative Officer report 0220-03695-0145 dated July 17, 2013, relative to the Fiscal Year 2013 Urban Areas Security Initiative grant application. |
07/12/2013 | Mayor document(s) referred to Public Safety Committee. | |
07/12/2013 |
Document(s) submitted by Mayor, as follows: Mayor report, dated July 5, 2012, relative to the submission of a grant application for the Urban Areas Security Initiative Fiscal Year 2013 and the Governing Body Resolution to designate the City entities that will apply for and manage Federal financial assistance. |
Title | Doc Date |
Council Vote Information (10 Votes) |
Meeting Date: | 03/09/2018 |
Meeting Type: | Regular |
Vote Action: | Adopted |
Vote Given: | (10 - 0 - 5) |
Member Name | CD | Vote |