Date |
Activity |
07/31/2024 |
Council action final.
07/30/2024 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
07/02/2024 |
Council continued item to/for July 30, 2024 .
07/01/2024 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on July 2, 2024.
06/26/2024 |
Public Works Committee approved item(s) .
06/21/2024 |
Public Works Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on June 26, 2024.
03/20/2024 |
Transportation Committee approved as amended .
03/20/2024 |
City Clerk transmitted Council File to Public Works Committee.
03/18/2024 |
Department of Transportation document(s) referred to Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee.
03/15/2024 |
Document(s) submitted by Department of Transportation, as follows:
Department of Transportation supplemental report, dated March 14, 2024, relative to Mobility Plan 2035 implementation in compliance with Measure HLA.
03/14/2024 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on March 20, 2024.
01/17/2024 |
Transportation Committee continued item to/for date to be determined.
01/12/2024 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on January 17, 2024.
01/11/2024 |
Corrected Referral per City Clerk to include Public Works Committee.
01/11/2024 |
Department of Transportation document(s) referred to Transportation Committee.
01/10/2024 |
Document(s) submitted by Department of Transportation, as follows:
Department of Transportation and Bureau of Street Services joint report, dated January 10, 2024, relative to implementation of Mobility Plan 2035 and street improvement measures.
09/07/2023 |
Community Impact Statement submitted by North Westwood Neighborhood Council.
08/08/2023 |
City Attorney document(s) referred to Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee.
08/07/2023 |
Document(s) submitted by City Attorney, as follows:
City Attorney report R23-0290, dated August 7, 2023, relative to a draft Ordinance to adding a new chapter to the Los Angeles Administrative Code implementing the Mobility Plan 2035 element of the City of Los Angeles General Plan.
12/09/2022 |
Council action final.
12/09/2022 |
Council adopted item forthwith.
12/06/2022 |
Transportation Committee approved as amended .
12/02/2022 |
Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on December 6, 2022.
12/02/2022 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on December 9, 2022.
11/30/2022 |
Public Works Committee transmitted Council File to Transportation Committee.
11/30/2022 |
Public Works Committee approved as amended .
11/23/2022 |
Public Works Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on November 30, 2022.
10/07/2022 |
Chief Legislative Analyst document(s) referred to Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee.
10/06/2022 |
Document(s) submitted by Chief Legislative Analyst, as follows:
Chief Legislative Analyst report 22-06-0425, dated October 6, 2022, relative to the Mobility Plan 2035 Implementation and City Mobility Plan street improvement measures.
07/17/2022 |
Community Impact Statement submitted by Del Rey Neighborhood Council.
06/29/2022 |
Council action final.
06/29/2022 |
Council adopted item, as amended, forthwith.
06/24/2022 |
Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of item .
06/24/2022 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on June 29, 2022.
06/22/2022 |
Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee transmitted Council File to Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
06/22/2022 |
Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee approved as amended .
06/17/2022 |
Public Works Committee; Transportation Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on June 22, 2022.
06/13/2022 |
Community Impact Statement submitted by Pico Union Neighborhood Council.
06/10/2022 |
Community Impact Statement submitted by Pico Union Neighborhood Council.
05/25/2022 |
Corrected Referral per Council President to include Public Works Committee; Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
05/25/2022 |
Motion referred to Transportation Committee.