Date |
Activity |
03/08/2024 |
Council action final.
03/06/2024 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
03/01/2024 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on March 6, 2024.
02/21/2024 |
Housing and Homelessness Committee approved item(s) .
02/16/2024 |
Housing and Homelessness Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on February 21, 2024.
02/16/2024 |
Municipal Facilities Committee document(s) referred to Housing and Homelessness Committee.
02/16/2024 |
Document(s) submitted by Municipal Facilities Committee, as follows:
Municipal Facilities Committee reports 0220-05151-0528, dated February 16, 2024, relative to authorizing the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a Lease Amendment with the County of Los Angeles to extend the term for the property at 2817 Hope Street, and amend the sublease with Volunteers of America Los Angeles, as the operator of the A Bridge Home interim housing facility.
09/04/2019 |
Council action final.
08/30/2019 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
08/22/2019 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on August 30, 2019.
08/21/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee approved item(s) .
08/15/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on August 21, 2019.
08/01/2019 |
Municipal Facilities Committee document(s) referred to Homelessness and Poverty Committee.
07/30/2019 |
Document(s) submitted by Municipal Facilities Committee, as follows:
Municipal Facilities Committee report 0150-11434-0000, dated July 30, 2019, relative to a new sublease with Volunteers of America Los Angeles for property located at 2817 South Hope Street as the operator of a bridge housing facility.
07/05/2019 |
Council action final.
07/03/2019 |
Council adopted item forthwith.
06/28/2019 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on July 3, 2019.
06/19/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee approved item(s) .
06/14/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on June 19, 2019.
06/11/2019 |
Municipal Facilities Committee document(s) referred to Homelessness and Poverty Committee.
06/11/2019 |
Document(s) submitted by Municipal Facilities Committee, as follows:
Municipal Facilities Committee report 0220-05622-0001, dated June 11, 2019, relative to authorizing the Department of General Services to negotiate and execute a new lease agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the property located at 2817 South Hope Street, for a term of three years, for use as a temporary bridge housing facility.
05/20/2019 |
Council action final.
05/20/2019 |
Mayor transmitted Council File to City Clerk.
05/14/2019 |
City Clerk transmitted file to Mayor. Last day for Mayor to act is May 24, 2019.
05/10/2019 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
05/06/2019 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on May 10, 2019.
05/01/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee approved item(s) .
04/24/2019 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on May 1, 2019.
04/24/2019 |
Public Works: Engineering document(s) referred to Homelessness and Poverty Committee.
04/23/2019 |
Document(s) submitted by Public Works: Engineering, as follows:
Bureau of Engineering report, dated April 23, 2019, relative to the California Environmental Quality Act Notice of Exemption regarding the development and use of the property at 2817 South Hope Street as a temporary shelter.
04/12/2019 |
Motion document(s) referred to Homelessness and Poverty Committee.
12/04/2018 |
Council action final.
11/30/2018 |
Council adopted item, subject to reconsideration, pursuant to Council Rule 51.
11/23/2018 |
City Clerk scheduled item for Council on November 30, 2018.
11/21/2018 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee approved item(s) .
11/21/2018 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee approved item(s) .
11/16/2018 |
Homelessness and Poverty Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on November 21, 2018.
08/10/2018 |
Motion document(s) referred to Homelessness and Poverty Committee.