Rec that when AB 96 is signed by Governor the Atty prepare Ord which
would provide an infraction violation for the possession of an open
container of an alcoholic beverage in any place open to the public
which is not licenses for the consumption of such beverages on the
premises including the premises of or immediatly adjacent to retail
package off sale liquor stores
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
Initiated by
Police, Fire & Public Safety
File History
7-28-83 For Ref 8-17-83 PF&PS Comt rept that AB 96 which would provide an infraction violation for the possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage in any place open to the public which is not licenses for the consumption of such beverage on the premises including the premises or adjacent to retail package off sale liquor stores 8-19-83 - file to Atty 8-30-83 - Dupl Orig made - File to atty 10-19-83 - File & Ord to Cal Clk 10-20-83 - Ref to PF&PS Comt 10-21-83 - File to Braude Chrmn 11-15-83 - Atty - Ord adopted amending LAMC by relating to possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages in public places 11-14-83 - file to Mayor forthwith 11-28-83 - file in file File to Calleia - 5215 12-5-83 - file in file 2-29-84 This days Ccl session - D Cunningham - Atty be requested to prepare with assistance of Police Department an amendment to Ord No 158498 which will add a severability clause and more clearly specify the proscribed behavior under subsection (h) thereof 2-29-84 - ref to PF&PS Comt 3-5-84 - file to Braude Chrmn 5-16-84 - File to Ira Reiner per Chris letter 6-26-84 - File & Ltr from Atty to Chris 9-14-84 - Mo adopted to approve communication recommendation for the PF&PS Comt - Atty prepare with assistance of the Police Department an amendment to Ord 158498 which will add a severability clause and more clearly specify the prescribed behavior relating to possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages in public places 9-18-84 - file to Atty 10-30-84 - File and Ord to Atty per Lucy 8-22-85 - File to Bernson Chrman for Final Ord OK 9-24-85 - File to Cal Clk 10-11-85 Ord over one week to 10-18-85 10-18-85 - Ord adopted amending the LAMC relating to possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages in public places 10-22-85 - File to the Mayor for signature 10-24-85 - File in files