Motion - Potrero Canyon was acquired by the Department of Recreation and Parks in 1964 to provide a connection between the Palisades Recreation Center located on the bluff overlooking the ocean and the coastline. In 1978 and 1980 significant storms resulted in severe runoff in the canyon and landslides occurred which resulted in significant damage to private property. The City eventually purchased 23 lots overlooking the canyon for $10.8 million as part of settlement agreement relative to lawsuits filed after the landslides.
Additionally, to settle other lawsuits which were filed, the City agreed to stabilize the canyon in three phases. Phase I, which was the installation of a storm drain system, was completed in 1990. Phase II, which is currently in progress, requires the stabilization of the hillside area in front of the canyon, demolition of the Sunspot Motel and construction of a new entry road to facilitate completion of the project.
THEREFORE MOVE that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, approve the amendment to Contract No. 2387, as attached to the file, between the City and Potrero Canyon Constructors, in an amount of $344,000 for the period December 4, 1996 through June 30, 1997, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, and authorize the President and the Secretary of the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners to execute the contract.
File History
4-18-97 - This day's Council session
4-18-97 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
4-25-97 - Council Action - Motion ADOPTED
5-1-97 - File in file
1-20-98 - For ref - Mayor / City Administrative Officer (CAO) 0150-01099-0004 - Request Council approve supplemental agreement with Potrero Canyon constructors to complete the stabilization of Potrero Canyon and proposed amount of $5,000.00.
1-22-98 - Ref to Arts, Health and Humanities Committees
1-22-98 - File to Feuer, Chairperson
2-11-98 - Budget and Finance Committee report ADOPTED ALTERNATIVE "A" relative to Potrero Canyon Park Development:
A. Councilmembers Alatorre and Feuer recommend, as recommended by the City Administrative Officer (CAO):
1. APPROVE the supplemental agreement with Potrero Canyon Constructors to expand the scope of the contract and to extend the contract term for completion of the Potrero Canyon Park Development Project.
2. INSTRUCT the Department of Recreation and Parks to report back with plans to:
a) the marketing of the rehabilitated residential lots acquired by settlement of the landslide lawsuits.
b) the reestablishment of a concession or other alternative / appropriate use on the Pacific Coast Highway frontage of Potrero Canyon
c) the repayment of costs advanced by the General Fund for the Potrero Canyon Project including recovery of eligible costs from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - ALTERNATIVE "B" RECEIVED and FILED.
2-17-98 - File to Budget and Finance Committee Clerk OK
2-19-98 - File in files