Council File: 98-1729Subscribe via emailPrint this recordPublic Comment

Motion - In the last ten years park equestrian riders have had to contend with a possibly very dangerous condition in the Los Angeles River just north of Los Feliz Boulevard. About 3,100 feet north of Los Feliz Boulevard there is an area of the Los Angeles River that is being used as a horse crossing for equestrian riders who ride and maintain their horses in the Atwater Village area. Everyday equestrians cross the sometimes fast moving Los Angeles River to exercise their horses in Griffith Park. Inevitably some of these horses may slip and fall due to the slippery cement and algae lined floor of the River Basin. Though steps have been taken to limit the city's liabiltiy from such accidents, there might still remain significant exposure to potential legal action in these instances. The only reasonable way to address these concerns would be to construct an equestrian bridge across the Los Angeles River. Preliminary estimates are that such a concrete and steel reinforced bridge would cost about $1,350,000. Sufficient funds are available in the Equestrian Trust Fund to undertake preliminary work for this proj. The Equestrian Trust Fund contains annually assessed Equine License Fees paid by equestrian riders in Los Angeles and the funds are devoted to "provide for construction of new equestrian facilities." Action is needed to begin work on this effort by transferring a small amt from the Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund to be used for initial planning and design; and to instruct the involved City departments to identify funding sources for the construction of the project. THEREFORE MOVE that subject to approval of the Mayor, $50,000 be transferred from the Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund No. 512 to the Bureau of Engineering Fund No. 100-78, Account No. 3040 (Contractual Services) for the planning and design of an equestrian bridge across the Los Angeles River in the Atwater Village Area of the City. FURTHER MOVE that the Bureau of Engineering and the Department of Recreation and Parks be directed to report within 180 to the Council with recommendations on potential funding sources for the further design and ultimate construction of the equestrian bridge.
Date Received / Introduced
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Council District
File History
9-11-98 - This day's Council session
9-11-98 - Ref to Arts, Health and Humanities Committee
9-11-98 - File to Arts, Health and Humanities Committee Clerk
10-13-98 - City Administrative Officer (CAO) 0120-17015-0000 report re: Motion (Ferraro-Feuer) - Transfer of $50,000 from the Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund to the Bureau of Engineering for the initial planning and design of an equestrian bridge over the Los Angeles River in the Atwater Village - to Arts, Health and Humanities Committee Clerk
10-23-98 - This day's Council session - Communication recommendation from Arts, Health and Humanities Committee, subject to the approval of the Mayor to:
1. INSTRUCT the Controller to transfer $50,000 from the Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund No. 212 to the Bureau of Engineering Fund No. 100/78, Account No. 1010 Salaries General for the planning and design of an equestrian bridge across the Los Angeles River in the Atwater Village area of the City.
2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering, Department of Recreation and Parks, City Administrative Office and the Chief Legislative Analyst to report back within 6 months with estimated costs and potential funding sources that will need to be identified for the further design and construction of the equestrian bridge.
10-23-98 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
10-30-98 - Arts, Health and Humanities Communication ADOPTED
11-4-98 - File to Mayor
11-4-98 - Mayor's message concurred in action of October 30, 1998
11-10-98 - File to Arts, Health and Humanities Committee Clerk OK
11-10-98 - File in files
4-10-02 - This day's Council session - Motion - LaBonge Mover 2002 / Garcetti - For decades, equestrian riders have had to contend with a dangerous condition in the Los Angeles River. A horse crossing in the River about 3,100 feet north of Los Feliz Boulevard has been used by the equestrian riders who maintain their horses in the Atwater Village and enjoy the more-than-50-miles bridle trails in Griffith Park. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Mounted Unit officers have also used this crossing for access to Griffith Park for crowd control or other patrol missions. The construction of Tillman and LA-Glendale Water Reclamation Plants created continuous, sometimes fast, flow in this segment of the River. The slippery cement and algae lined riverbed, together with the unfriendly flow, has claimed many injuries to the horses and the riders, and brought up lawsuits against the City.
As a result of former Councilman Ferraro's effort in 1999, this Council authorized the allocation of $50,000 Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund for the planning and design of the equestrian bridge. The Bureau of Engineering, Public Works Department, completed the structural design of the bridge with the limited fund. The community is still waiting for additional money, estimated to be $1,725 million, to complete the permitting requirements and the construction of the bridge.
The Equestrian Facilities Trust Fund contains annually assessed Equine License Fees paid by equestrian riders in Los Angeles and the funds are devoted to "provide for the construction of new equestrian facilities." The limited balance may be allocated to partially fund the bridge construction.
In November 1996, City voters passed Proposition K to acquire and construct parks and recreational facilities with a total of $776 million. Building of the equestrian bridge would encourage the use to the natural assets and resources in the Griffith Park, and therefore, would be eligible to use the Prop K funds. In March 2002, the California voters passed a similar measure, Proposition 40 or Safe Neighborhood Parks Initiative. Public Works Bureau of Engineering has recommended this bridge construction in City's Prop 40 funding request list.
In the recent decade, the water level was raised and the flow rate was increased because the upstream treatment plants have pumped the reclaimed water into the River. Constructing the bridge would mitigate the adverse effect of the wastewater plants on the equestrian riders crossing the river. The Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund contains the fees City collects through Sewer Service Charge and may be expended for such mitigation purpose.
With the design completed by the City staff and sitting in the drawer now, continued action is needed now to seek for the funding for the construction of the long-awaited equestrian bridge.
THEREFORE MOVE that, subject to the approval of the Mayor, the City Administrative Officer be directed to identify the funding sources other than Prop 40 to complete the permitting process and the construction of the equestrian bridge, and report within 60 days to the Council with recommendations.
4-10-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
4-17-02 - Motion ADOPTED
4-19-02 - File to Mayor
4-25-02 - Mayor's message concurred in action of April 17, 2002
4-25-02 - File to Calendar Clerk
5-1-02 - File in files
6-5-02 - This day's Council session - Motion - LaBonge Mover 2002 - Garcetti - On April 17, 2002, the Los Angeles City Council instructed the Bureau of Engineering, Department of Recreation and Parks, City Administrative Office and the Chief Legislative Analyst to report back within 6 months with estimated costs and potential funding sources that will need to be identified for the further design and construction of the Los Feliz Equestrian Bridge.
One potential source of funding for the equestrian bridge project is the Los Angeles River Parkway Grant Program that is administered by the State of California Resources Agency. The Grant program does not require the applicant to provide matching funds. However, the deadline for the application is July 3, 2002.
THEREFORE MOVE that the Depratment of Recreation and Parks and the Chief Legislative Analyst prepare and submit a grant application to the Grants Administrator of the California Resources Agency for the Los Angeles River Parkway Grant Program, by the application deadline of July 3, 2002, for the construction of the Los Feliz Equestrian Bridge.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Recreation and Parks and the Chief Legislative Analyst work with Communities Building Bridges on the preparation, and completion, of this grant application.
6-5-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
6-12-02 - Motion ADOPTED
6-18-02 - File in files
6-18-02 - This day's Council session - Motion - LaBonge Mover 2002 / Garcetti - For decades, equestrian riders have had to contend with a dangerous condition in the Los Angeles River. A horse crossing in the River about 3,100 feet north of Los Feliz Boulevard has been used by the equestrian riders who maintain their horses in the Atwater Village and enjoy the more than 50 miles bridle trails in Griffith Park. Los Angeles Police Department Mounted Unit officers have also used this crossing for access to Griffith Park for crowd control or other patrol missions. The construction of Tillman and LA - Glendale Water Reclamation Plants created continuous, sometimes fast, flow in this segment of the River. The slippery cement and algae lined riverbed, together with the unfriendly flow, has claimed many injuries to the horses and the riders, and brought up lawsuits against the City.
The General Manager of the Department of Recreation and Parks has authorized the Department to submit an application to the State of California Resources Agency for the Los Angeles River Parkway Grant Program. The application is due by July 3, 2002. In order for the grant to be executed, City Council must authorize the General Manager to receive the grant funds.
THEREFORE MOVE that the General Managerr of the Department of Recreation and Parks be instructed and authorized to submit a grant application to the State of California Resources Agency for $1,972,908 for the construction of the Griffith Park Equestrian / Pedestrian Bridge.
FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Recreation and Parks, upon award of the grant to the City, return to City Council for authorization for the expenditure of the grant funds and for additional instructions.
6-18-02 - File to Calendar Clerk for placement on next available Council agenda
6-25-02 - Motion ADOPTED - Resolution ADOPTED
7-2-02 - File in files

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