Council File: 00-0589Subscribe via emailPrint this recordPublic Comment

Mo - Bishop E.L. Holmes served as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Venice for forty-four years until his passing on 11-12-99. A fixture in the Oakwood community of Venice, Bishop Holmes bought and built his home on Brooks Ave in Oakwood so he could share the daily experience of his parishioners and minister first-hand. In addition to being the spiritual leader, Bishop Holmes was the guiding force in a fund-raising campaign to relocate the Church to its present site at 685 Westminster Ave. In 1966, under his leadership, the Church collected $500,000 for a new edifice, consisting of a 600-seat sanctuary, seventeen classrooms, offices and a kitchen and community room. Within one year, the Church complex was completed and all debts were paid off within ten years. In 1989, Bishop Holmes led another capital improvement campaign for the Church, which was also completed within a year. A dedicated minister and pastor, Bishop Holmes was also a member of various local community organizations including the Venice Rotary Club, the Venice Chamber of Commerce, the Boys and Girls Club of Venice, the Board of Judges for Venice High School and the Police Expo of Los Angeles. Bishop Holmes leaves Beatrice Patterson Holmes, his wife of fifty-six years, a son, Wendell Holmes and wife Julie, two grandchildren, three great grandchildren, a brother, W.J. Holmes, a nephew, Raleigh Holmes, and the congregants of the First Baptist Church of Venice. THEREFORE MOVE that, in honor of the memory and achievements of Bishop E.L. Holmes, the City Engineer be instructed to initiate proceedings to designate the intersection of Westminster Ave & 7th Ave in Venice, and that the Dept of Transportation be instructed to erect a permanent ceremonial sign on white with blue lettering on the northwest corner which reads: Bishop E.L. Holmes Square.
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
Council District
File History
3-29-00 - This days Ccl session
3-29-00 - Ref to Tran Comt
3-29-00 - File to Tran Comt Clk
5-18-00 - For ref - Transmittal from City Engineer relative to Westminster Ave and 7th Ave - Designation of intersection as E.L. Holmes Square
5-19-00 - Ref to Tran Comt - to Tran Comt Clk
5-24-00 - Tran Comt rept ADOPTED to INSTRUCT the City Engineer to initiate proceedings to designate the intersection of Westminster Avenue and 7th Avenue in Venice, and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to erect a permanent ceremonial sign, tan in color with brown lettering (as currently designed by the DOT) on the northwest corner which reads "Bishop E.L. Holmes Square" in honor of the memory and achievements of Bishop E.L. Holmes.
5-30-00 - File to Tran Comt Clk OK
5-31-00 - File in files

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