Council & Public Services

The Council and Public Services Division (CPS) provides services to the public, Mayor, the Council and its Committees, as well as other City departments and agencies. Annually, the Division attests over 2,100 contracts, posts and publishes more than 1,500 legally required notices and ordinances and, as mandated by the Charter, accepts over 3,700 claims against the City. In addition, the Division processes more than 15,000 documents transmitted for Council consideration and creates in excess of 3,000 Council files each year. As Council’s official record keeper, CPS provides Council Clerks, Voting Clerks, and Legislative Assistants to support and facilitate the meetings of the Council and its Committees, maintaining records of all Council actions.

City Elections

The Election Division is responsible for the conduct of the City's municipal and 99 Neighborhood Council (NC) elections. The administration of NC elections includes conducting candidate filing for approximately 2,000 candidates. During municipal election years, staff provide voting materials to over 2.1 million voters in 13 languages. Each election year, staff assists approximately 100 individuals with the candidate filing process. The Division conducts voter outreach, civic education and voter registration efforts, which have, in past cycles, reached over 60,000 Angelenos, and facilitated registering and pre-registering close to 5,000 voters. The Division coordinates all citizen-sponsored initiative, recall and referendum processes, as well as administers approximately 200 Prop 218 and five in-house elections for various City agencies annually.

Business Improvement Districts

The Business Improvement District (BID) Division administers the Business Improvement District program. A BID is a geographically defined area within the City in which property and/or business owners vote to pay an assessment to fund programs and projects within the district's boundaries with the goal of improving commerce. These districts typically fund services which are supplemental to those already provided by the City, including cleaning streets, providing security, making capital improvements, construction of pedestrian and streetscape enhancements, marketing, and increasing economic development and livability.
The Division facilitates the establishment and renewal of BIDs in accordance with state and locally mandated policies and procedures. In addition, the Division administers the related BID Trust Fund which collects $65 million annually through assessments on behalf of the BIDs. There are currently 38 property-based BIDs and five merchant-based BIDs established citywide.

Archives & Records

The business of managing City files and documents, including their scheduled retention and destruction, is the responsibility of the Records Management Division (RMD). It administers a comprehensive Citywide records management program and provides storage and reference services for City records and historical documents. All documents affecting the City, including ordinances, contracts, leases, deeds, and the official City seal, are in the custody of the City Clerk.
The Division operates the City Records Center for the offsite storage of inactive departmental records. Records Management also maintains the City Archives for the permanent retention and preservation of the City’s historical records that date back to 1827.

Administrative Services

The Administrative Services Division (ASD) provides fiscal, accounting and personnel support for almost 800 employees in the Offices of the City Clerk, the Mayor, the City Council, the Chief Legislative Analyst, the Office of Public Accountability and the Cannabis Regulation Department. ASD also administers AB1290 funds, General City Purposes (GCP) funds, and Council Special Trust Funds. In addition, this Division houses the NC Funding program which administers the NC Trust Fund, a $4.1M annual appropriation to support the operations of the 98 citywide NCs.


The Systems Division provides strategic and tactical planning, application development, systems integration, automation, and technical support for all internal City Clerk divisions and to the citizens of the City of Los Angeles. The Division’s mission is to utilize technology to modernize systems, automate workflows, and improve efficiency in government services. The Division strives to continue providing data transparency through mobile and web enabled applications with first-class service to all of the City Clerk’s customers.