Mo - The Southern California Pipeline System (SCPS), a joint venture
of Four Corners Pipeline Co. (an ARCO subsidiary), Chevron Pipe Line
Co., Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc., & Shell Oil Co., has proposed
to construct the 130 mile Angeles Pipeline to move crude oil from
Kern County to refineries in the Los Angeles Basin. The consortium
has proposed that 33 miles of that pipeline be constructed under the
streets of LA. The Pipeline would be designed to transport 330,000
(330000) barrels per day (bpd) to LA Basin. Of that amount, 200,000
(200000) bpd would be offshore crude oil, & 130,000 (130000) bpd
would be San Joaquin Valley crude. Refining this additional heavy,
sour crude oil in LA Basin would significantly increase air pollution
& would have disastrous effects on environment. In addition,
construction of Pipeline thru the City would disrupt some of the most
heavily used streets, & add to already intolerable traffic
congestion. Other points of information which have surfaced as a
result of the EIR / EIS have shown an increased health risk, the
possibility of oil spills, fire hazards from leaks, pollutions of
underground water supplies, & the possibility of massive fires during
an earthquake, if the Angeles Pipeline were to be constructed.
THEREFORE MOVE that City go on record as being opposed to the Angeles
Pipeline. FURTHER MOVE that in view of above mentioned environmental
concerns, the Ccl req that the above mentioned oil companies cease
construction or any plans for construction of the Angeles Pipeline.
Date Received / Introduced
Last Changed Date
File History
7-14-87 - This days Ccl session - File to Cal Clk for placement on next Ccl agenda 7-21-87 - Mo adopted *as amended deleting THEREFORE MOVE the City of L A go on record as being opposed to the Angeles Pipeline 7-27-87 - File in files