
Expand the use of electronic signatures for all City documents and convert PDF forms into online electronic forms with e-signature capability

- Automate the ordinance workflow with e-signature

Develop an online repository for all City contracts with an electronic attestation feature

- Discuss and standardize Citywide contract numbering system with ITA

Expand use of electronic Speaker Request Kiosk system

- Expand Speaker Card Kiosk system to Council Committee meetings, Van Nuys City Hall and the Board of Public Works

Digital transformation of the Council File Management System - multi-software integration project

- Create a concept to combine silo software systems into one modern council file management solution

Expand the use of electronic signatures for all City documents and convert PDF forms into online electronic forms with e-signature capability

- Automate Public Convenience and Necessity application process; begin automating resolution process

Develop an online repository for all City contracts with an electronic attestation feature

- Assemble working group with representatives from City departments

Expand use of electronic Speaker Request Kiosk system

- Add functionality and improve application’s performance

Digital transformation of the Council File Management System - multi-software integration project

- Apply for funding from the Innovation and Performance Commission
- Procure services

Front counter security enhancement and redesign

- Evaluate and assess security needs and possible design features

Online public comment portal

- Design a system to collect and append public comments to their related Council agenda items

Expand the use of electronic signatures for all City documents and convert PDF forms into online electronic forms with e-signature capability

- Complete automation of resolutions and create electronic process for attestation; identify other documents for e-signature

Develop an online repository for all City contracts with an electronic attestation feature

- Implement pilot with 3-5 departments

Expand use of electronic Speaker Request Kiosk system

- Assess feasibility of making Speaker Request Kiosk available to all Commissions

Digital transformation of the Council File Management System - Multi-software integration project

- Begin incremental implementation of proposed changes (Phase I)

Front Counter security enhancement and redesign

- Finalize design and identify funding

Online public comment portal

- Pilot with select community groups and Neighborhood Councils

Expand the use of electronic signatures for all City documents and convert PDF forms into online electronic forms with e-signature capability

- Complete feasibility study of other documents for e-signature and begin implementation

Develop an online repository for all City contracts with an electronic attestation feature

- Evaluate feedback from pilot phase and make necessary adjustments

Expand use of electronic Speaker Request Kiosk system

- Expand to Commissions as feasible and begin research of other uses

Digital transformation of the Council File Management System - multi-software integration project

- Replace the Council Live Voting System (Phase II)

Front counter security enhancement and redesign

- Begin construction

Online public comment portal

- Market new system to the public and City staff

Expand the use of electronic signatures for all City documents and convert PDF forms into online electronic forms with e-signature capability

- Completely replace all wet signature documents with e-signatures

Develop an online repository for all City contracts with an electronic attestation feature

- All departments fully utilizing electronic system for contracts

Expand use of electronic Speaker Request Kiosk system

- Implement identified alternative uses as deemed feasible

Digital transformation of the Council File Management System - multi-software integration project

- Full implementation

Front Counter security enhancement and redesign

- Project completion

Online public comment portal

- Full implementation